The case of the missing drone


Fayette County has its own missing aircraft, the case of the county’s first missing drone.

A reward is being offered for the “Quadcopter” lost this month while surveying construction work at All Saints Anglican Church near Ga. Highway 54 in west Fayette.

Newnan resident and church member John Stevenson was using his drone to provide church members a birds-eye view of construction activities at the church’s Ebenezer Road location off Hwy. 54

“I wanted to keep the excitement up about the church’s building project,” Stevenson said March 12.

Stevenson said he was taking video at approximately 2 p.m. on March 11 when he lost the drone. The drone was flying on a 55-degree heading with an altitude below 150 feet and with winds blowing 10-15 miles per hour in a northeasterly direction, Stevenson said.

“The drone appeared to have crossed Hwy. 54 at Wood Valley Road unless it hit trees before that point,” said Stevenson.

Stevenson said he activated the “return to home” function but the drone did not respond.

The drone had a full battery and, with a full charge, is capable of flying 10-15 minutes with a range of up to four miles.

Steven is offering a reward for the return of the Quadcopter and can be reached at 678-575-0311. The missing drone was reported to the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office under case number 51410394. Anyone locating the drone is asked to contact Stevenson or the sheriff’s office at 770-461-6353.

Stevenson said he purchased the drone to survey his farm in Alabama and to inspect storm damage.