Outside burning ban starts May 1


The annual ban on outdoor burning starts May 1 for not just Fayette County but 44 other counties around metro Atlanta.

The ban, which runs through Sept. 30, prohibits citizens and businesses from burning yard and land-clearing debris. It is enacted each year to improve air quality during the summer months, as outdoor burning activities release smoke, oxides and nitrogen into the air which can cause ozone to form.

To obtain a burning permit in unincorporated Fayette County, Brooks, Woolsey and Tyrone before May 1, residents should call the automated burn permit line at 770-305-5468. Developers wishing to burn debris from land clearing before May 1 should call the department at 770-305-5414.

Fayetteville residents must notify the fire department in advance of their outdoor burning plans by calling 770-461-4548, and though the Fayetteville Fire Department does not issue permits, they may deny a request based on prevailing weather conditions.

Peachtree City residents may go online to apply for a residential outdoor burning permit at http://www.ptcgovernment.org/fire/burnpermit. Any Peachtree City residents with questions may call the fire department at 770-631-2526.

In previous years prior to the summertime ban, outdoor burning contributed to unhealthy ozone levels, and the ban has been used to lower those levels during the summertime. That’s because in the summer months, the presence of sunlight reacts with the chemicals emitted by burning to cause more ozone to form, according to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.

While the summertime outdoor burning ban prohibits the burning of yard and land clearing debris, there is a year-round statewide ban on the burning of household garbage, according to EPD.

“It is very important for all citizens in Fayette County to follow the burn ban rules and regulations for the health and safety of our citizens during these months,” said county Fire Marshal James D. Hall.