PTC to unveil Founders Corner May 4


Sculptures honoring two of Peachtree City’s founders will be unveiled May 4 in a brief ceremony at City Hall Plaza as the “Founders Corner” is dedicated as part of the city’s ongoing History Time Line project.

Along with the busts of Floy Carr and Joel Cowan, the first of six plaques on the Founders Wall will be revealed, according to city spokesperson Betsy Tyler. The six plaques are designed to address the city’s history prior to its incorporation as a city in 1959.

The ceremony is expected to be brief but meaningful, as Cowan has been asked to say a few words along with long-time resident Scott Bradshaw, whose family has owned property here for many generations dating back to well before the city’s creation.

Cowan served as the city’s first mayor and was the impetus for the vision behind the city. Farr, as a Fayette native and banker, is credited with helping fund builders who came to the area when there wasn’t much to see … and also with helping bring phone and electrical service to the county via Coweta Fayette EMC.

The EMC has joined the Peachtree City Rotary Club as one of several large donors to the project.

The vision is for more than just the Founder’s Corner, which is seen as an anchor for a history time line of plaques recognizing historical milestones in the city’s brief 50-year history.

The city has a volunteer committee that has worked on the project, which is completely funded with donations from local residents and businesses. Donors have been invited to attend the ceremony along with former elected officials. The public is also invited to attend.

The busts of Farr and Cowan were crafted by Georgia artist Andy Davis, who is responsible for several notable sculptures including recording artist Ray Charles, Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy and U.S. Founding Father Patrick Henry.