Civitan yard sale starts Friday


The Fayette County Civitan Club’s yard sale opens Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3 on the now vacant Melear’s Barbecue Restaurant site in Fayetteville, club president, Alan Jones announced this week.

The site — not the building — at 420 S. Glynn St. (Ga. Highway 85), will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, said Jones.

Sales proceeds of donated items will be used to benefit charities of local impact. For further details, says Jones, see the club’s advertisement elsewhere in this newspaper.

The Fayette County Civitan club and its Peachtree City counterpart, the Line Creek Civitan club, are autonomous local units of Civitan International, headquartered since 1917 in Birmingham, Alabama. Committed to fostering good citizenship through community service, Civitan spans the globe with clubs in 38 countries.

Its service focus is to assist those with developmental disabilities. Its flagship project is funding for the Civitan International Research Center in Birmingham.

The Center provides groundbreaking research into disorders such as autism, Downs syndrome, brain tumors and epilepsy. Examples of this focus locally are Civitan’s support of Special Olympics, the Joseph Sams School, Camp Big Heart and Southwest Christian Care.

Jones added that Civitan International welcomes volunteers. He invites you, if interested in serving, to contact any Civitan member at the yard sale event on May 2 and 3.