Hopewell UMC congregation bids farewell to Candler intern


On Sunday, April 27, Hopewell United Methodist Church bid farewell to Cassie Light, a Candler School of Theology student who has spent the past nine months in an internship at Hopewell. Light will now head for graduation and ordination as a minister in the Lutheran church.

While at Hopewell, Light was given the opportunity to preach several sermons, led a bi-monthly Bible study, and performed a variety of jobs to familiarize herself with church work.

She endeared herself to the congregation and they presented her with a beautiful white ministerial robe to wear in her new profession.

After preaching on the last day of her internship, Light was honored by the congregation with a reception to commemorate the end of her obligations at Hopewell and to wish her well as she completes her education.

Hopewell’s minister, the Rev. Billy Beard presented Light with a cake to open the reception.

Hopewell is in Tyrone, at 351 Jenkins Road, across from Sandy Creek High.