Fayette tops in Georgia on analytic geometry


Fayette’s students had the highest passing percentage in the state on the Analytic Geometry End of Course Test (EOCT) that was administered for the first time this past spring, according to data released by the Georgia Department of Education.

Fayette shares its first place position with Jefferson City Schools and Buford City Schools, but it should be noted that Fayette tested more students (1,653), compared to Jefferson City (133) and Buford City (264). Fayette also has the highest percentage of students exceeding the standards in the state for Analytic Geometry, 21 percent.

Not only did Fayette’s students place first in Georgia on the Analytic Geometry EOCT, they nearly doubled the total passing percentage of the state, 35 percent, compared to Fayette’s 67 percent (45.9 percent meeting standards; 21 percent exceeding standards).

The county’s strong math program has students finishing among the top three school systems in the state on the Coordinate Algebra EOCT, along with Pierce County and Decatur City, both of which tested 300 or less students compared to Fayette’s 1,895. Fayette’s total passing percentage is 63, with 43.5 meeting standards and 19.8 exceeding standards (Georgia’s total passing percentage is 40).

Fayette’s students placed second in the state on the 9th Grade Literature and Composition EOCT, sharing the placement with eight other school systems in Georgia. In comparison to these systems, Fayette has the most students exceeding standards (63.3 percent). Fayette’s total passing percentage is 96, with 32.6 meeting standards and 63.3 exceeding standards (Georgia’s total passing percentage is 88).

The county is also second in the state on the American Literature and Composition EOCT, sharing that ranking with 15 other school systems, including several larger ones in the metropolitan area. Fayette’s total passing percentage is 96, with 35.4 percent meeting standards and 62.6 percent exceeding standards (Georgia’s total passing percentage is 93).

On the Biology EOCT, Fayette places fourth in the state along with four other school systems with an 88 percent total passing percentage, 37.7 percent meeting standards and 50.4 percent exceeding standards (Georgia’s total passing percentage is 75).

Fayette is ranked third in the state on the United States History EOCT (along with 12 other systems) with an 87 total passing percentage, 30.9 meeting standards and 55.6 exceeding standards (Georgia’s total passing percentage is 73).

Students also earned a high state placement on the Economics/Business/Free Enterprise EOCT, sharing a second place spot with nine other systems, all of which tested far fewer students with the exception of Forsyth County. Fayette has a total passing percentage of 94, with 29.7 percent meeting standards and 64.1 percent exceeding standards (Georgia’s total passing percentage is 81).

Individual school results are also very strong, with most schools finishing in the top 20 in the state on the EOCTs.

Both Whitewater High and McIntosh High placed first on the Economics/Business/Free Enterprise EOCT with total passing percentages of 98.2 and 98, respectively. Starr’s Mill High is in second with a total passing percentage of 97.2, followed by Sandy Creek High, sixth, with a total passing percentage of 88.6, and Fayette County High, eighth, with a total passing percentage of 84.5.

Starr’s Mill High and McIntosh High finished second in the state in 9th Grade Literature and Composition with total passing percentages of 97.7 and 99.3, respectively. Whitewater High came in third with a total passing percentage of 97.3, followed by Sandy Creek High and Fayette County High, fourth, with total passing percentages of 90.9 and 93.1, respectively.

In American Literature and Composition, both Starr’s Mill High and McIntosh High finished second in the state with total passing percentages of 98.6 and 99.1, respectively. Whitewater High came in third with a total passing percentage of 98.1, followed by Sandy Creek High, fourth, with a total passing percentage of 96.7, and Fayette County High with a total passing percentage of 97.1.

All of Fayette’s middle schools had a 100 total passing percentage on the Coordinate Algebra EOCT. On the same test, McIntosh High came in 13th in the state with a total passing percentage of 82.6, followed by Starr’s Mill High with a total passing percentage of 69.7. Whitewater High finished 24th with a total passing percentage of 53.1, Sandy Creek High and Fayette County High placed 26th with total passing percentages of 46.3 and 42.7, respectively.

McIntosh High placed fifth in the state on the Analytic Geometry EOCT with a total passing percentage of 86.5. Starr’s Mill High came in 10th with a total passing percentage of 71.3, followed by Whitewater High, 13th, with a total passing percentage of 62.6, Sandy Creek High, 16th, with a total passing percentage of 52.5, and Fayette County High, 18th, with a total passing percentage of 50.4.