2 rezonings, fire aid on F’ville’s agenda


    Those planning to attend the Sept. 4 meeting of the Fayetteville City Council might want to arrive early to get a seat. The council will hear a rezoning request for the proposed Fayette Place senior development on Ga. Highway 54 West, conduct a public hearing on a residential rezoning request on Redwine Road, and consider proposals for a temporary fire station in West Fayetteville and an automatic aid agreement for fire response between the city and Fayette County.

    The council will consider an amendment that would allow for the construction of Lafayette Place on the 13-acre site at The Villages development along Hwy. 54. The agenda item was tabled on Aug. 7 at the request of the Beverly J. Searles Foundation to provide project representatives additional time to meet with residents. The proposal would establish 239 independent living, assisted living and memory care units.

    Searles is asking that the council amend The Villages PCD (Planned Community Development) from restaurant/retail mixed use to a senior villages designation.

    The Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission in July on a 2-1 vote recommended that the project be denied, with commissioners noting that the proposal was a good one but the desired location was not.

    A previous proposal by Searles on property immediately to the west, the site of the upcoming Lafayette Square luxury apartments, was approved by the council in 2011.

    The senior residential living project in 2011 was to be a federal tax credit-funded arrangement routed through the Georgia Dept. of Community Affairs (DCA) but was put on hold in 2012 after the project was not selected in the 2011 round of funding.

    In another matter, the council will hold the first of two public hearings on a rezoning proposal for 60 acres on Redwine Road owned by Fayette County Commissioner Chuck Oddo, Fayetteville City Councilman Paul Oddo and Warren Oddo.

    The property is currently zoned R-30 (.75-acre lots) for 84 homes. The rezoning request would have it zoned R-22 (.5-acre lots), though plans call for 77 lots with some being significantly larger than one-half acre.

    The proposal is consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan and future land use map.

    Community Development Director Brian Wismer recommended that the 77 lots proposed by the developer be made a condition of approval.

    Planning commissioners on Aug. 26 on a 3-2 vote recommended that the proposal be denied. The major sticking point appeared to be connected with stormwater runoff issues, though such issues are dealt with by commissioners during the development phase and not during the rezoning phase.

    Another topic that has drawn significant public attendance in the recent past has been issues pertaining to the city’s fire department. Though not a matter of consolidation with Fayette County, two items at the Thursday meeting will include a decision on a temporary site for Station 93 in West Fayetteville and an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) that would outline the automatic aid agreement between the city and county.

    The temporary fire station would be located at a former residence on South Sandy Creek Road owned by Piedmont Fayette Hospital.

    The lease agreement calls for rent totaling $900 per month. If approved, the site would require the installation of a metal building with adequate heating for the fire apparatus.

    The IGA on automatic aid details the areas in and around Fayetteville where the city and county fire departments would provide automatic aid in the event of residential and commercial fires.

    A final topic associated with fire service is the proposal to have the council establish the position of Fire Chief/Assistant City Manger. If approved, Fire Chief Alan Jones would assume that position.

    The combined position would be similar to that of Director of Finance and Administration/Assistant City Manager held by former finance director Lynn Robinson prior to her leaving the city during the summer.