Fayette schedules rare afternoon session


It is expected to be a relatively light agenda for the Fayette County Board of Commissioners at Thursday’s regular meeting, with perhaps the most noteworthy item being the time it starts.

The board will meet at 2 p.m. instead of its normal evening start time because of the Silent Heroes Award ceremony that evening, which a number of county officials are expected to attend.

Chairman Steve Brown’s recommendation to request a $2,000 grant from the Fayette Master Gardener Association will be considered. The grant funds would be used after park designs are officially approved by the board.

The board will also consider a staff recommendation to enter into an automatic aid agreement with the city of Fayetteville for mutual rendering of supplemental fire suppression and for participation in joint training exercises.

A pair of proclamations are on the agenda. The board is expected to make Sept. 16 “The American Legion Day in Fayette County” and the week of Sept. 17-23 will become “Constitution Week in Fayette County.” Representatives of Posts 50 and 103 of the American Legion, as well as the James Waldrop Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, are expected to attend.

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