MacDuff Parkway to Kedron rail bridge moves closer


Construction of the MacDuff Parkway bridge that will connect Wilksmoor Village to North Kedron Drive came on step closer to reality Nov. 6 when the Peachtree City Council authorized a construction agreement between CSX railroad and developer Brent Scarbrough.

City Manager Jim Pennington at the meeting said the only action needed by the city was to authorize Mayor Vanessa Fleisch to sign the agreement on behalf of Peachtree City.

“As you are aware, this project has lain dormant for some time and now that the developers are ready to proceed with the construction of the development and the Scarbrough portion of MacDuff Parkway including the bridge, the developer has undertaken discussion with officials of CSX railroad to secure permission to construct a bridge over the rail tracks,” Pennington said.

Pennington after the meeting said the next step will be for Scarbrough to obtain the city permits required for the project.

Though he offered no timeline, Pennington said work on the bridge could begin potentially in the coming months.

The expense of constructing the bridge is the responsibility of the developer.

To date, there is one way to access the existing south side of Wilksmoor, that being MacDuff Parkway at Ga. Highway 54 West. Once constructed, a second point of access will be at North Kedron Drive along Ga. Highway 74 after MacDuff Parkway is extended to connect to Kedron Drive and a bridge is constructed over the CSX Railroad tracks adjacent to Senoia Road.

The existing subdivisions in Wilksmoor Village, including one apartment complex, have a total of 1,454 units while the three subdivisions recently approved for construction total 1,329 units. In total, Wilksmoor Village will eventually have 2,783 units.