3 feet deep in snow


In the Akron area of Northern Ohio I don’t recall us having over 3 feet of snow at any one time, certainly not the 6 and 8 feet of weeks ago.

I recall one time in November in the mid 1940’s that on a weekend the Methodist churches in Akron asked families to house a visitor or two from north Ohio churches for a Methodist Youth Fellowship member (MYF for short) for a Youth conference.

My parents graciously offered to take two visitors to spend Friday and Saturday night with us. They were all picked up at one church on Friday night, and it had begun to snow softly.

My sister and I shared a room which we would have given to the two young ladies–I don’t remember where my sister and I slept, probably in the living room.

That snow falling softly turned into snow falling 3 feet deep on Saturday morning, and there was not going to be a youth conference held anywhere in Akron.

The girls called their moms with the news that they were going to be spending several days with their hosts.

In fact, it was the next Tuesday before we could return our guests to the church where we had picked them up.

I believe that one of their mothers sent my mom a big fruit cake as a thank you.

Another occasion when 3 feet of snow that stopped all transportation anywhere came at a time when my mother had me call the MYF’rs in the neighborhood and tell them to find hot dogs at whatever store might be open, along with buns and walk to our house.

She put a big kettle of water on to boil, and after awhile here came 10 or 12 teens tromping in our house. Each would drop their hot dogs in the kettle and it wasn’t long before we had food for all.

At this time the big game that was popular was Canasta and oh yes, Monopoly.

Several hours of fellowship and laughs were had by all and then they had to tromp back home.