Operation Mobilization’s ‘Perspectives’ starts Jan. 8


Operation Mobilization’s “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” class begins Jan. 8 and will meet weekly through May 7 (16 Thursdays).

The class will meet from 6-9 p.m. at Operation Mobilization, 285 Lynnwood Ave., Tyrone.

“For four decades, God has used “Perspectives” to give people a better understanding of how they fit into God’s story,” said class spokesperson Kristi Threatt. “Perspectives is more than a class. It is part of God’s global disciple making movement.”

Threatt added, “Those who may be interested, but not sure may attend the Jan. 8 gathering for free to help evaluate whether they want to ‘go all in.’”

According to the Perspectives’ website:

“Perspectives helps believers from all walks of life see how they can get threaded into God’s story of redeeming people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to Himself.

“From Genesis to the prophets, Jesus Christ to the early church, and Constantine to today, you will see how God has been moving, how the global Church has responded, and what the greatest needs in world evangelization remain today.

“It isn’t a class about missions, but a course on how every believer can be intimately woven into the story of God using His people to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth.”

And … “Generally, every class schedules a lineup of Biblical scholars, missionaries, pastors, professors, and mobilizers who bring a wealth of experience and passion to each lesson. Some are flown in and some are local.”

Also … “With students ranging from 16 to 92, we know everyone is at a different season of life. While the course is accredited for undergrad and graduate level credit, most aren’t looking for credit and opt for the Certificate Level of study. This includes the best articles, weekly reviews graded by alumni who give feedback to help you grasp the concepts, and an integrative project which ties all you have learned together.

“The Key Reading Level is a more basic level of a few selected articles each week and some journal responses.

“We highly recommend everyone taking it for Certificate Level unless you are seeking college credit.”

For information on registration and fees visit perspectives.org and search for the class listing under Tyrone, Ga.

For other questions, contact Rachel Imes at [email protected].