Community, Senoia

Blood drive is Aug. 4

Even though walls are being built around the Gin Property in Senoia in preparation for the upcoming season of “The Walking Dead” TV show, at the Senoia United Methodist Church,


Me and my shadow

Around 5:30 Saturday afternoon the most amazing thing happened. The entire world stopped — at least for one little girl. Little One noticed her shadow for the very first time,

Peachtree City

Bowling in PTC?

On Peachtree City’s horizon: an indoor amusement center featuring competition and recreational bowling lanes, a gaming arcade area, and a sports bar and restaurant. To be located on Widget Drive


God bless nurses!

For a long time I’ve wanted to lift up and honor some of the most important contributors to our society, and particularly these contributors right here in our own Fayette


Visiting America

For a few special moments recently I was back in the America I used to know. Saturday I indulged in an overpriced but warm bag of popcorn, slathered in a

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