Religion Briefs 01/21/15


Stringham to be honored Sunday
Members of Fayetteville First Baptist Church will host a farewell fellowship in honor of Pastor Glenn Stringham and his family this Sunday, Jan. 25, at 6 p.m. The Stringhams’ community of friends is invited. Stringham recently announced his intention to retire from his position as pastor to senior adults effective Jan. 31.  He has served the church in that position for nearly 19 years.

Romano-Taylor to be installed Sunday
Karen Romano-Taylor of Peachtree City will be installed as a commissioned minister of hospital ministry in the Charismatic Episcopal Church and will also receive the designation of licensed liturgical mlnister in services on Sunday, Jan. 25.  Her commissioning and licensure service will take place at 10 a.m. at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Highway 34, Sharpsburg. David Epps, bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-South will officiate.

Apostolic prophetic revival planned
 Christ Discipleship Ministries (CDM), 114 W. Campbellton St. Fairburn, will hold an Apostolic Prophetic Prayer Revival  presented by Prophet Chambers Training on Sunday, Jan. 25 at 5 p.m. The host pastor will be Prophet Timothy Frazier. Other speakers will include Apostle Carolyn Driver, Prophet Sandra Clements, and Archbishop Kirby Clements. For directions, contact the CDM office, 770-969-8370. No nursery or childcare will be provided.

ESL classes meet every Friday
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adults will meet weekly through May 15 at Carriage Lane Presbyterian Church, PCA.  Classes are free and students can join any time.  Classes are held on Fridays from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.  Childcare is provided.  The church is at 101 Carriage Lane, Peachtree City. For more information call 770-631-4618 or look under Outreach at

Genealogy classes held on Tuesdays
The LDS Church’s Fayetteville Family History lab offers free family history sessions on various topics and areas of research each Tuesday evening from 7 – 8:30 p.m. The class meets at 2021 Redwine Road in Fayetteville. Those attending can bring their own laptop/tablet or use those provided by the church. For questions or information on scheduled topics email [email protected].

Holy Trinity offers Stephen Ministry
Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Peachtree City offers Stephen Ministry to provide confidential, one-on-one Christian care to people who are going through a difficult time. Catholics as well as non Catholics are eligible to receive care. A Stephen Minister is a well-trained caregiver who listens, cares, prays, and encourages during a time of need.  Care is confidential and free. For more information,  contact Sandy Killoran at 678-489-8502 or Jerry Greenwell at 770-487-2752.

Prayer group meets at Summit
A community prayer group meets at The Summit Family Resource Center, 1373 Ga. Highway 92 S. Fayetteville, from 9:30-10:15 a.m. on Thursday mornings.  This is an interdenominational event. Everyone is invited. Call 770-460-3335 for more information.