Family is home for Christmas


The Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity was able to help one family be home for Christmas when they were able to move into a house of their own before the holiday.

Family Partner Quinethia Smith, or “Q” as she is known, and her boys, Lamarcus and Kayden, celebrated in the brand new home built by volunteers during a 13-day blitz build that included aid from South-Tree Enterprises, Inc. and Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

Habitat homes are not free. Each family pays back a 20 year zero interest mortgage. “Q” was selected for homeownership in June and began her journey paying escrow and volunteering 300 sweat equity hours in the Habitat ReStore.

She also worked alongside volunteers at the construction site.

This is a requirement for all family partners along with homeownership workshops to prepare the homeowner for success.

Habitat believes safe, decent, affordable homes will help end the cycle of poverty and build stronger foundations for a great future. For information on how to help, call 770-252-9049 ext. 15 or 770-252-9049 ext. 23. For information on the home ownership program, call 770-252-9049 ext. 16.

In the picture, new homeowner Quinethia Smith is shown with sons Lamarcus (6) and Kayden (2), and Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Leslie Meriman (Right).