Get intimate view of Dunaway restoration


The story of Newnan’s Dunaway Gardens is nearly as delightful as the gardens themselves and will be shared from an intimate point of view by one of those responsible for its modern-day restoration.

Josh Fisher, Dunaway director of operations and son of owner Jennifer Bigham, will tell the story on Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. in Newnan. He will be speaking at the Backyard Association (BYA) Meeting sponsored by the Coweta County Master Gardener Extension Volunteers.

Since its restoration, Dunaway has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places and undergoing a renaissance as a tourist attraction.

Fisher played a pivotal role in restoring the gardens as an original member of the work team during summer breaks from college. He continues to take an active role in the grounds and is now introducing new plant species.

From the 1920s through the 1940s, Dunaway Gardens flourished as visitors and locals flocked to the gardens to see theatre, dance and other performances. The gardens were later forgotten, however, and disappeared under vines and kudzu until Fisher’s family restored the gem and opened it to the public in 2003.

The program will be held at the UGA Extension – Coweta County, 255 Pine Road. Admission is free, but registration is recommended and those who register are eligible for door prizes. Call 770-254-2620 or email [email protected] to register for door prizes.