Inman begins special program for youth, young adults


Inman United Methodist Church has announced it will implement a Special Needs program for teens and young adults in the Fayette community.

“Our church encourages youth from 15-25 years of age with special abilities to participate within the church fellowship,” a spokesperson said. “We are aware that some have individual special needs that prevent them and their families from attending church.”

The church’s belief, she added, is that God has a place for everyone.

“In our desire to do His will, this program will include each person in the life and fellowship of church,” she concluded.”

Church activities at Inman are held from 10 a.m. – noon each Sunday. Sunday school starts at 10 a.m. and worship is at 11 a.m.

Individuals with special abilities, between the ages of 15-25 years old, who are not able to participate in the services, will be offered a safe, and supported environment.

This new program will allow families to attend worship service while their loved one participates in fellowship with their peers.

The Special Needs program at Inman United Methodist Church will be led by Virginia Warrick who comes to Inman United Methodist Church from Broward County, Fla.

There she taught as an exceptional student educator for 11 years before relocating with her families to Fayetteville.

With a background in the transition services and life skills coaching for high school age students, Warrick says she enjoys helping her students to attain their full potential and become an active part of their community.

Inman United Methodist Church’s Special Needs Ministry Program strives to promote each individual’s unique abilities.

To be successful in creating a comfortable and stress-free environment, parents and families are encouraged to provide information about their family member that would make the experience most enjoyable for them. Email [email protected] to set up a date and time for a visit.