Fayetteville First UMC begins annual Lenten Lunch program


The community is invited to begin Lent at the first Lenten Lunch of the season on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, at noon in the Fellowship Hall of Fayetteville First United Methodist Church. All other lunches through Holy Week will be held on Thursdays at noon.

Sponsored each week by a UMW Circle, the Lenten Lunch series includes a meal ($2) and a study. The first lesson following the book “Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus” will be led by the Rev. Mark Westmoreland and will include the imposition of ashes.

A special Ash Wednesday Service will be held at 6:30 p.m. that evening in the sanctuary with Mr. Chris Mucha as speaker.

Everyone in the community is invited to participate in the Ash Wednesday service and the weekly lunches.

Visit fayettevillefirst.com or call 770-461-4313 for more information.

FFUMC is located next to the historic courthouse in downtown Fayetteville at 175 East Lanier Avenue.