Proper ID


There has been some discussion lately from those folks who resent having to have a photo identification in order to vote. Let’s reason this out.

Let’s say you are going through an intersection and have the green light. I plow through that intersection on a red light and hit your vehicle. What are the first two things you and the police will want to see. And if I don’t have those two things, you will sue me. Yep, a driver’s license and an insurance card.

We don’t live in small villages anymore, where everyone knows everyone else, where we have lived all our lives and we know who can be trusted and who can’t.

An author of a recent article stated she believed photo ID mandates was a slam against the disenfranchised i.e. the poor, African-Americans, Hispanics, rural folks and the elderly.

Folks in these categories probably require medical attention from time to time, and probably need to show I.D.of some kind, if they write a check at the grocery store, ditto, and maybe, just maybe, a relative leaves them an old jalopy that’s good enough to get to the doctor and the store. This will require those aforementioned 2 pieces of identification.

All 50 states have different ideas on what constitutes a valid I.D. There are currently 10 states that require a voter I.D. but it’ doesn’t have to have a photo and 11 more states the “request” a photo. Georgia is quite firm about the matter, a photo I.D. is necessary. It can be a driver’s license or a State of Georgia issued photo I.D. card. You can obtain one of the State issued at no charge, so that can’t be used as an excuse. 

To quote Ben Stein: “Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires ever citizen to prove they’re insured…but not everyone must prove they are a citizen. Many of those who refuse, or are unable to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens.”

If you refuse to show a photo I.D. at the polls and just say “trust me. I’m a U.S. citizen,” here’s the scenario: if I plow into your car I’m not showing you any licenses or certificates, just telling you to trust me – I’ll get it fixed.