Safety warning issued by Peachtree City


Peachtree City has had several issues with solicitors and peddlers this year, according to a recently released safety reminder issued by city officials.

Because of those incidents, city officials are reminding residents to ask to see the current soliciting permit of those who knock on their doors.

If a solicitor or peddler cannot produce a current soliciting permit for Peachtree City, call 911. In addition to requiring a permit, the city prohibits door-to-door solicitors to call at residences or businesses clearly displaying a sign stating “no soliciting” or similar language. They are not allowed to solicit door-to-door Sundays or on any day before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Solicitors and peddlers also must leave private property when asked.

The only exceptions to the permit requirements are for local non-profit organizations like scouts, civic clubs, or local religious groups and disabled or indigent veterans with a certificate of status from the probate judge. But the time restrictions still apply.