Bam! That’s Principal Blair on the radio

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Bam! That’s Principal Blair on the radio

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The voice of Rising Starr Middle School Principal Nancy Blair is heard by tens of thousands of people around the world each month when she co-hosts the online radio show, Edchat Radio, featured on the BAM Radio Network.

BAM is the largest education radio network in the world offering programming from the nation’s top education organizations and thought leaders.

According to the show’s producer, Edchat Radio is the third most popular show on the BAM Radio Network’s line up; having averaged over 40,000 downloads per month of its podcasted episodes during the last six months of 2014.

The show falls just behind the network’s two other top programs: “K-12 Greatest Hits” and “Every Classroom Matters.”

Edchat Radio discusses the topic from each week’s #Edchat, a Bammy Award winning Twitter conversation for educators covering topics on current teaching trends and integration of technology. Blair is also a co-moderator of the discussion group.

Podcasted episodes of Edchat Radio are available for free download on the Bam Radio Network website,, located under the “EdTech Radio” tab.

Prior to becoming the principal at Rising Starr Middle this school year, Blair served as a school improvement consultant with the High Schools That Work, and Making Middle Grades Work, initiatives of the Southern Regional Education Board. She served eight years in the U.S. Air Force as an air traffic controller before attending college as an adult and embarking on a career in education.

Blair also worked for the school system as an assistant principal at Flat Rock Middle from July 2000 to March 2007.

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