PTC United Methodist Church sells Windgate Road property

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PTC United Methodist Church sells Windgate Road property

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The Trustees of Peachtree City United Methodist Church, under direction of the December Church Conference, have sold the church property, known as the Windgate Campus, on the corner of Windgate Road and Peachtree Parkway. 

According to information in the church’s weekly newsletter, the transaction was closed March 5 with the property being sold to Evergreen Church for $2,368,800. 

Evergreen is a member of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians and was formed in 2013 when about half the congregation of First Presbyterian Church of Peachtree City (PCUSA) split off to form the new church.  

The church building on the Windgate property was built in the mid 1980s and was home to PTCUMC until its move to the Robinson Road Campus several years ago. It has been used as a satellite property for several church activities since then.

Evergreen members have been meeting there since their split with First Presbyterian.

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