FOCUS mini conference for parents is March 21


A FOCUS mini-conference will be held at Clayton State University in the James M. Baker University Center, on Saturday, March 21, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

FOCUS (Families Of Children Under Stress) has invited professionals to speak on various topics at the mini-conference with the goal of helping parents and professionals find the information they need to help children. Parents will enjoy a half day of networking with professionals, community agencies, and other parents and learn valuable information to help their child and their family.

Online registration is required and available at

The conference is sponsored by FOCUS and the Clayton State Department of Psychology. FOCUS is a metro Atlanta-based program serving approximately 3,000 families in Atlanta and surrounding areas with children who have exceptional physical, developmental or emotional needs.

Topics for the conference will include: IEP, Wills and Trust, Now/Comp Waiver, and a Disability 101 workshop.

The opening session will be in room UC 272 followed by breakout sessions in rooms UC 272, UC262, UC268 and UC327.

No childcare will be provided.

Contact the FOCUS office at (770) 234-9111 or email [email protected] with any questions.