Miss Pride queens crowned in long-standing pageant


The 47th annual Miss Pride Pageant was held at Sam’s Auditorium in Fayetteville earlier this month.

The 2015 Miss Pride Queens are (shown above, L to R, front row)  Kennedy Williams, Young Miss Pride;   Lily Cate Moses, Tiny Miss Pride;   Caroline Moses, Miss Pride Ambassador;  Alexa Brake, Little Miss Pride;  (back row, L to R) Elizabeth Greenberg, Junior Miss Pride;  Skylar Ingram, Miss Pride.

Young ladies from 3-years-old to high school seniors, competed for the titles in this long standing tradition.

Contestants were judged on poise, appearance, evening gown and an onstage interview from information they submitted for “All About Me.”  The Miss division also included GPA as a small portion of their score.  The top five in the Miss division also answered a current event type question from a bank of questions received earlier in the week.  The Miss Pride queens will have an exciting year as they participate in parades and other events while representing their community.

Miss Pride is a fundraiser for the Fayette County High School Band.