Yard sale will benefit Sandy Creek band


The Sandy Creek High School band program is holding its annual community yard sale on Saturday, April 18, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the SCHS Patriot Field parking lot.

All proceeds will benefit the SCHS band program.

Sellers and vendors may purchase a 20’ x 20’ space, which includes a 6’ table, for $25. Donations of items to be sold in the sale are also being accepted. Items may include furniture, electronics, toys, clothing, sporting goods in good condition. Items for donation may be dropped off in the SCHS student parking lot from Monday, April 6, through Saturday, April 11, 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, and from Monday April 13, through Fri., April 17, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The school is located at 360 Jenkins Road, Tyrone.

Pickup of certain large items within a limited area is available.

The sale will showcase the talent of the SCHS band students while raising funds for the 2015–2016 school year.

The community is invited to help the ban program by donating to and/or shopping at the yard sale.

For additional information on rental space or pickup of donations, please e-mail Veronica at [email protected] or Leesa at [email protected] or call 304-518-BAND. Additional information can be found on the band’s facebook page: www.facebook.com/schsbborg.