April time to increase awareness, prevention of child abuse


April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and the Griffin Circuit Domestic Violence Task Force, which includes Fayette County, is hoping to raise awareness with tips and ideas.

Education is key to preventing abuse, according to the task force. 

First, parenting classes can help parents from feeling overwhelmed, and secondly, education is used to teach others the signs of child abuse and neglect. 

Georgia ranks sixth in the nation in child fatalities related to child abuse and neglect. Statistics show about 78 percent of the victims suffered from neglect, 18 percent were victims of physical abuse and 9 percent were victims of sexual abuse.  Children age 2 and under are most likely to be victims of abuse and neglect.

The task force is hoping people will become more aware of the signs of abuse and notify officials.

Signs of abuse include frequent school absences, repeated and frequent accidents, acute shyness, and dramatic weight loss.

Learn the facts and understand the risks. 

The task force also makes recommendations for ways to help the cause.

Locate a child abuse program and volunteer.  There are many programs where help is needed, such as crisis programs, phone banks and helping families under stress.

If time is an issue, make a donation. It doesn’t have to be money — cook a meal, start a children’s book drive or clothing drive.