Fayette Visioning Initiative moves to implement plans

Randy Weaver (R) takes over leadership of Fayette Visioning. Outgoing Chair Larris Marks (L) will continue to serve as a member of the board. Photo/File.

It was in late 2013 that what became the Fayette Visioning Initiative became a topic of conversation. Today, the initiative is moving forward with four implementation teams beginning their work in the areas of education, community, place and prosperity/economy.

Fayette County Chamber of Commerce Communications Manager Paige Muh said the five-year Fayette Vision Plan was adopted in June 2014 and is moving forward with implementation plans from teams that include the four identified focus areas of education, prosperity/economy, community and place.

Muh said each of the four areas identified in the plan are moving forward and each has co-chairs to oversee those areas. The initial meetings of each of the four implementation teams have met and are beginning to determine the priorities identified as needed by the community partners.

“It’s still early with the groups identifying priorities but the process is moving forward,” Muh said.

Over the past two years people have contacted the initiative with areas of interest. Those citizens were contacted and the initiative is also publicly inviting those interested to attend the respective meetings.

“The committee co-chairs have begun organizing initial meetings for their implementation area, and have invited an extensive group of residents who previously communicated interest in being part of the project to join one of the committees,” said Muh.

Once priorities are settled and the committees begin to move forward, ongoing progress will be captured and updated on the FayetteVision.org website, Muh said.

Along with focus area implementation progress, there is also a leadership transition for the overall Fayette Visioning Initiative. Muh said since the Visioning Implementation plan was finalized in June, 2014, Bob Ross and Larris Marks have co-chaired the visioning process as it moves toward becoming a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

“Together, they have provided a large number of joint presentations on the visioning initiative to various citizen groups, elected bodies and non-profit organizations,” said Muh.

Muh said that Marks will continue in her current role as co-chair and Ross has handed the co-chair baton to Randy Weaver, who will help oversee the implementation efforts. Weaver has been involved with the Fayette Visioning Initiative since its inception, and has served as a member of the steering committee, said Muh.

Updates for implementation recommendations, meeting times and other information related to the initiative can be followed at www.facebook.com/fcvision or at www.twitter.com/fcvisioning.

Fayette County citizens wishing to participate in one of these focus areas can obtain additional information by emailing [email protected].