Rally against Great Wolf doesn’t help the Bubble


I was quite surprised to open my Saturday edition of The Citizen and my eyes were met with a headline about a call for citizens to rally and march on City Hall.

Was this a call to action because of government over-reach, maybe against the IRS for illegally targeting conservatives? Maybe it was a call to let our voices be heard in Washington that we did not want a bad deal with Iran? Or maybe it was more local, like a rally against antiquated state sentencing rules for minor drug infractions while others states legalize? Were people finally fed up with not having a lake and were taking to the streets?

Alas, no. This rally was to show outrage against a company that seeks to open a facility where a deteriorating and little used hotel and conference center already stands. The footprint of that property would change little. The new business would bring revenue, some jobs and given the nature of the business model, some traffic increase. But worst of all, the business would bring joy and laughter to its patrons … the horror!

At this point I cannot imagine why would Great Wolf would even want to land here in our fine, loving community. One wonders what would be an acceptable use for this property that Dolce will leave vacant. Auto repair facility? Homeless shelter or low income housing? Outlet mall? Cemetery?

Change is always scary but we are at a point where we can have facilities and businesses that keep PTC unique or we can allow the same old big box stores and same old franchises that lead to the sprawl that we all moved here to avoid. Bubbles always eventually collapse if not refreshed with new air.

Alan Felts
Peachtree City, Ga.