On the email trail of the Great Wolf Part I


On April 17, 2015, The Citizen made an Open Records request to Peachtree City’s public information officer, Betsy Tyler, for emails sent to and from city officials, including elected City Council members, about Great Wolf Lodges and its plans to convert the current Dolce-Atlanta Peachtree property on Aberdeen Parkway into an indoor water park resort.

In response, she sent more than 250 email messages, which are reproduced in chronological order below.

Note: The Citizen edited the batch of emails to remove duplicates and repeated forwarded messages and to remove all private citizens’ email addresses, except those who took an active public role in the debate over GWL’s request for Limited Use Commercial rezoning and a number of initial requests for variances to the zoning rules.

We also shortened or eliminated the same address and contact information contained in each of the hundreds of emails. And we removed any personal cell phone numbers.

The raw file contains original emails — plus some pdf files and graphics — and multitudes of duplicated email threads, comprising more than 120,000 words (so the computer word count purports) and more than 17,000 paragraphs. What follows is necessaily edited to remove the duplications and arranged by date and time of day.

Except for those limited redactions, all other emails are reproduced as originally received from the city by The Citizen, including spelling, punctuation and abbreviations.

The relevant emails begin in October 2014 and conclude the day after the GWL requests were denied 5-0 by the City Council at its April 16 meeting. Editorial comments about the emails are enclosed in double brackets.

This first online batch provides emails from the beginning in October 2014 to the end of January 2015. The first break is somewhere around half the emails. — Cal Beverly, editor ([email protected])


[[October 2014 emails]]


[[From Betsy Tyler:]] Hi, Cal – what I have already done is an email search (terms “Dolce” and “Wolf”) related to Great Wolf between Council and staff and any outside agency (like Great Wolf). I redacted any emails protected under attorney client privilege. The people making the request also agreed to leave out emails from private citizens (as those personal email addresses are protected under the open records act, and redaction of that many emails would be extremely expensive in staff time).


Attached are eleven emails and one pdf of a meeting acceptance from October 2014 (there were no responsive records from September). I wanted to see if sending in this format works. I have a total of 211 emails from my search of City email addresses, exclusive of the citizen opinions that came in.


I’ll need to run an additional search for anything this month. I’d also ask that you note the date of the emails (some of the coverage and comments made about the emails made them sound like they were sent last week, when in some cases it was last year).






[[Below is the official beginning of Peachtree City government officials with the Great Wolf project: a meeting appointment with local developer Jim Pace.]]


PDF of a meeting appointment:


Accepted: Meet with Jim Pace and prospective “incredible” hotel operator for Dolce property — David Rast

Sent: Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014 3:39 p.m.

To: Jennis Rice

When: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11 a.m.-12 noon

Location: Community Room (Peachtree City Library)




From: David Rast <[email protected]

Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 8:53 AM

To: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>,

Alex Lombardo<[email protected]>

Cc: Emily Poole <[email protected]>,

Mike King <[email protected]>,

Jim Pace <[email protected]>

Subject: Dolce Conference Center


Patrick/ Alex — it was a pleasure meeting you last week.

I have some great news — I was able to find what appears to be the full set of construction plans (1980) for the former Pitney Bowes facility as well as the plans for the following expansion and facility renovation projects:


1990 site plan (parking expansion)

1994 BellSouth renovation

1994 facility expansion

2001 DMT Training Facility

2006 Remodel

2004 Training Building renovation

2004 Kitchen renovation

2006 Tenant finish

2008 Building renovation

2008 Ballroom and kitchen

2008 Lobby renovation – training building


The unfortunate thing is we do not have an electronic copy of the original construction plans and would need to send those out to be scanned. We can do that locally if needed.

Pls. let me know if you need anything from me or our Team. Looking forward to working with you.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




Re: Dolce Conference Center.eml

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 10/21/14, 8:01 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>, Mike King <[email protected]>, Jim Pace <[email protected]>


Thanks David. I’ll ask our architect if they need the documents and get back to you.



Sent from my iPhone




Re: Dolce Conference Center.eml

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center

From: Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>

Date: 10/22/14, 8:31 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>, Mike King <[email protected]>, Jim Pace <[email protected]>


Thanks David. Very helpful.


We are traveling this week but will reach out next week when we return.




——-Original Message——-

From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 4:17 PM

To: David Rast

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center


Hi David,


Were there structural drawings in the full construction set? We have most of everything except for structural, and we will be performing a new property survey.

Let me know on the structural.




Patrick Pline | Director of Development Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.

525 Junction Road | Suite 6000 South | Madison, WI 53717




On 10/30/14, 8:37 AM, “David Rast” <[email protected]> wrote:


If I say yes, can I be the first to slide down the 90’ power slide?!!

We have COMPLETE construction plans, which include structural drawings.

The plans are divided into four rolls/ parts as follows:


Part 1 Land Planning

Central Plant


Part 2 Training/ Administration


Part 3 Dining/ Recreation


Part 4 Housing


Pls. advise how to proceed.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center

Sent: 10/30/14 8:44 a.m.

To: David Rast <[email protected]>


That’s great news David. Ill ask our architect on how to proceed and get back with you.


The Mayor already claimed first ride, but you can probably challenge her to a rock, paper scissors competition and let fate decide.






From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 10:12 AM

To: David Rast

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center


Hi David,


Our Architect wants all four parts.

Can you have them scanned, and then we can upload them to their FTP site.

Do you do this in house or send them to a outside company? I can have our architect coordinate directly on the upload if you can get me some contact information.




Patrick Pline | Director of Development Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




On 10/30/14, 3:03 PM, “David Rast” <[email protected]> wrote:


I just spoke with BBP Reprographics (local printing company) and they have the capability to scan the drawings and load them into the FTP site.

He said it would take a day or so due to the number of drawings, and there would be a fee of $1.50 per page (might be less once he determines total number of drawings — I told him at least 100-150 sheets).

I can take the drawings this afternoon.

Do you want BBP to invoice the Architect or how do you want to handle payment?


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Re: Dolce Conference Center.eml

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 10/30/14, 3:21 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: Brad Servin <[email protected]>


Probably the Architect. If you can give me the contact Ill have them contact them to pay/coordinate.

I copied Brad Servin with ADCI who is the lead architect for this project.

Brad, if paying for the drawings presents problems Ill throw them on mycredit card. Just let me know.

Thanks David,




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 3:59 PM

To: David Rast

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center


Hi David,

Ill just pay for it by credit card. If you can get me their number and contact Illl set it up in the morning.




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




RE: Dolce Conference Center.eml

Subject: RE: Dolce Conference Center

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 10/30/14, 4:30 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <[email protected]>


Patrick — I just spoke with John Pfister at BBP Reprographics and told him you would be calling with payment information. I am taking the drawings by on my way home so they can start scanning in the morning.


John Pfister

BBP Reprographics

1971 HWY 54 W

Fayetteville, GA 30269


Let me know what else I can do to help!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




FW: Dolce Conference Center.eml

Subject: FW: Dolce Conference Center

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 10/31/14, 9:06 AM

To: Brad Servin <[email protected]>

CC: David Rast <[email protected]>


Brad, I called John at BBP Graphics below and paid for the scan/upload of the documents. Can you call him today and work out the FTP upload coordination?




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.









On Dec 5, 2014, at 5:57 AM, Jim Pace <[email protected]> wrote:


 I just sent a text to Alex checking on you guys. The 16th works fine for me just let me know what time.





On Dec 5, 2014, at 8:08 AM, Patrick Pline <[email protected]> wrote:


Good morning David, Emily, Mike and Jim,

Things are moving along and we would like to have another meeting with the City to discuss the project. We are finalizing a purchase agreement which puts us on some tight timeframes to secure the building rights for our project and close, or move along. We certainly want to make this work.

I was hoping we could set up a meeting for December 16th, preferably in the morning with the appropriate people to discuss the following:

1. Process, requirements and timeframes to be able secure the zoning approvals to build our resort. Our current plans have not changed much and we still have the same issues related to building height, building mass, and possibly setback (not touching the tree line as we discussed).

2. Gain an understanding of any other obstacles related to zoning/building that would preclude us from receiving approvals to proceed.

3. Understanding any utility limitations (gas/power/sewer/water) that would make it impractical to proceed. Not sure at this point what the city controls but I think Peachtree has the water and sewer utilities and we would follow up with the other utility companies.

Let me know if December 16th works for your team or if you need any project information ahead of time to study.

Thanks for your continued assistance,




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[For the first time in this email thread, an elected official — Peachtree City Councilman Mike King — makes an appearance.]]


Re: Dolce Conference Center.eml

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center

From: Mike King <[email protected]>

Date: 12/5/14, 8:51 AM

To: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

CC: David Rast <[email protected]>, Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>, Jim Pace <[email protected]>



Great hearing from you. The 16th appears fine as I will arrange to have representatives available to address your concerns. I trust the same location is convenient for you.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




[[For the first time in this email thread, City Manager James Pennington is included in the email exchange, as Councilman King assigns a lwead task to Rast.]]


Subject: Fwd: Dolce Conference Center

From: Mike King <[email protected]>

Date: 12/5/14, 8:54 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, James Pennington <[email protected]>


David would you take the lead in setting up this meeting on the 16th to address Mr Pline’s concerns.



Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




[[And for the first time, council members Mayor Vanessa Fleisch and Terry Ernst are included in the email exchange. Missing from the exchange so far are council members Kim Learnard and Eric Imker.]]


From: Mike King <[email protected]>

Date: December 5, 2014 at 8:55:55 AM EST

To: Vanessa Fleisch <[email protected]>, Terry Ernst <[email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: Dolce Conference Center




Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




[[For the first time in the thread, Mayor Fleisch asks to be included in the face-to-face meetings.]]



Subject: Fwd: Dolce Conference Center

From: Vanessa Fleisch <[email protected]>

Date: 12/5/14, 9:02 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>


Hi David ,

I would like to attend this meeting on the 16th. 



Vanessa Fleisch 

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




On Dec 5, 2014, at 9:05 AM, Patrick Pline <[email protected]> wrote:

 We will be down on that Monday so any time Tuesday morning is fine.

 Mike, why don’t you pick a time that works for the City.


 Sent from my iPhone




On Dec 5, 2014, at 9:07 AM, Mike King wrote:

Certainly. Will post soon.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




From: Emily Poole <[email protected]>

Date: December 5, 2014 at 9:47:52 AM EST

To: Mike King <[email protected]>

Cc: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>, Jim Pace <[email protected]>, “David Rast” <[email protected]>, Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center

I’m available on the 16th and will be glad to assist.

 Emily Poole

Manager, Retention & Expansion

Fayette County Development Authority

200 Courthouse Sq

Fayetteville, GA 30214




On Dec 5, 2014, at 11:02 AM, David Rast <[email protected]> wrote:


All — We look forward to meeting with you on Tuesday, December 16 at 8:30AM in the Community Room. All our folks know is this project is known as “Project Little Red Riding Hood”… (!)

In addition to myself and those copied in this e-mail, attendees will include:


Ted Meeker City Attorney

Dave Borkowski City Engineer

Kennisha Collins Civil Engineer

Michael Madison Stormwater Manager

Dave Williamson Fire Marshal

John Dunlap Assistant Fire Marshal

Kathy Gray Permits Specialist

Brian Epstein Building Official (SAFEbuilt)

Nathan Brooks Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority

Robert Kurbes Fayette County Health Department

Matt Bergen Fayette County Water Department


Our internal Project Review Team is meeting on Monday (December 14) at 3:00PM for a brief overview of the project so they are aware of the information you might need. I have asked them to be prepared to discuss design, permitting and inspection requirements as well as potential review and permit fees. I will follow up with contact information for each member of our team in case you want to contact them in advance or follow-up with them following the meeting.

Patrick/ Alex – if you can send specifics as to what information you will need, I will forward this as appropriate so we can make sure we have this information available while you are here.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Mike King

Sent: Friday, December 05, 2014 11:16 AM

To: David Rast

Subject: Fwd: Dolce Conference Center

David, Thanks for meeting with me today. Just spoke to the mayor who asked that we hold the premiering on Thursday prior to the 16th. Please advise.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




From: Mike King

Sent: Friday, December 05, 2014 11:19 AM

To: Patrick Pline

Cc: Jim Pace; David Rast; Alex Lombardo; Emily Poole

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center



Currently we are shooting for 8:30am on the 16th. Hopefully, this will suit all involved.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




Subject: RE: Dolce Conference Center

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 12/5/14, 12:05 PM

To: Mike King <[email protected]>


Oops – just saw this. I will send a change to the meeting request for our internal folks.

David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[This looks like a copy, but it is Rast changing the meeting date and time.]]


On 12/5/14, 12:04 PM, “David Rast” <[email protected]> wrote:

All — We look forward to meeting with you on Tuesday, December 16 at 8:30AM in the Community Room. All our folks know is this project is known as “Project Little Red Riding Hood”… (!)

In addition to myself and those copied in this e-mail, attendees will include:


Ted Meeker City Attorney

Dave Borkowski City Engineer

Kennisha Collins Civil Engineer

Michael Madison Stormwater Manager

Dave Williamson Fire Marshal

John Dunlap Assistant Fire Marshal

Kathy Gray Permits Specialist

Brian Epstein Building Official (SAFEbuilt)

Nathan Brooks Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority

Robert Kurbes Fayette County Health Department

Matt Bergen Fayette County Water Department


Our internal Project Review Team is meeting on Monday (December 14) at 3:00PM for a brief overview of the project so they are aware of the information you might need. I have asked them to be prepared to discuss design, permitting and inspection requirements as well as potential review and permit fees. I will follow up with contact information for each member of our team in case you want to contact them in advance or follow-up with them following the meeting.


Patrick/ Alex – if you can send specifics as to what information you will need, I will forward this as appropriate so we can make sure we have this information available while you are here.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Re: Dolce Conference Center.eml

Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 12/5/14, 1:20 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>


I hope that doesn’t make us the big bad wolf.

Traveling today, I’ll get some info together next week.



Sent from my iPhone




[[The first hints appear of a disagreement among City Council members about who should be leading the team working with GWL.]]


Subject: Easy

From: Terry Ernst <[email protected]>

Date: 12/5/14, 8:17 PM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <[email protected]>, Mike King <[email protected]>


Venessa, just let Mike deal with this situation with Dolce. I am not sure why you are upset about this but it appears to me that these people know what they want to do. I am very familiar with this company and have spent time at their resorts in the past. Am I missing something here?


Sent from my iPhone




Subject: Re: Easy

From: Vanessa Fleisch <[email protected]>

Date: 12/5/14, 8:51 PM

To: Terry Ernst <[email protected]>

CC: Mike King <[email protected]>


Mike is handling it and that is fine.


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




Subject: Re: Dolce Conference Center

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 12/11/14, 12:59 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, Mike King <[email protected]>

CC: Jim Pace <[email protected]>, Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>, Vanessa Fleisch <[email protected]>, James Pennington <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>


Hi David, We are all set for Tuesday. We may have 7-8 people coming with us for the meeting (Architect, Civil Designer, etc.)



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




On Dec 12, 2014, at 1:27 PM, David Rast <[email protected]> wrote:


Thanks — this will be helpful as we move forward. Our internal review team will be available on Tuesday and they are all aware of the confidential nature of this project.


Have a great weekend, and a great trip to sunny Georgia!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[In the following email. GWL asks for “some confidentiality.” It’s also the first hint that GWL’s plans will encroach into the “tree buffer” and “the 75 foot setback.”]]


Subject: GW City Meeting

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 12/12/14, 1:35 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Rodney Jones <[email protected]>


Hi David, Attached is the following information for your use in preparing for our meeting with your team. Please share as needed but with some confidentiality.


1. Zoning Review

2. Typical Utility Needs.

2. Floor Plans for the planned resort including space descriptions and uses.

3. Site Plan (coming later)


We tried several versions of the layout and could not orientate the waterpark to avoid relocating the service road on the north side of the property to access the utility building/lake building and back parking lot, so I expect that we will impact the tree buffer in that area which we know is sensitive. We also have not fully designed the slides that stick out of the building in this area but it likely will encroach into the 75 foot setback.

We can discuss when we meet. Let me know if you have any questions,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




On Dec 12, 2014, at 1:51 PM, David Rast <[email protected]> wrote:


Yes – we are meeting in the same room we met in before. I will have the projector ready.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 2:40 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Rodney Jones

Subject: Re: GW City Meeting


Thanks David, We will have a laptop with our info for the meeting, will the room have a projector?


Sent from my iPhone




From: David Rast [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 2:51 PM

To: Matthew Scott Bergen; [email protected]

Cc: Emily Poole; James Pennington; Jonathan Rorie; Ted Meeker

Subject: Project Little Red Riding Hood – approximate infrastructure requirements

Matt/ Nathan – thanks for meeting with us yesterday. I am forwarding the infrastructure requirements I received from their project team and will follow up with the utility plans for Dolce we have on file. Pls. advise if you see any issues with these requirements or if you need additional information:


Average daily use: 87,000 gallons

Min. pressure required: 65 psi

Line size” 8”



Average daily volume: 88,000 gallons

Peak flow: 155-200 gal./ min.

Line size: 12”


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Re: GW City Meeting.eml

Subject: Re: GW City Meeting

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 12/12/14, 3:00 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>





Sent from my iPhone




Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – approximate infrastructure requirements

From: Matthew Scott Bergen <[email protected]>

Date: 12/15/14, 11:15 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, “[email protected]” <[email protected]>

CC: Emily Poole <[email protected]>, James Pennington <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>, Ted Meeker <[email protected]>



The facility has an 8” master meter served by our 8” distribution main at the street. This area has consistent pressures of 85 static, 80 residual with a flow of 1500 GPM. The demand could be met with current infrastructure. If their fire protection needs require a loop, we can accommodate this from Preston Chase. I’ll have a map to share with the group tomorrow.


Matt Bergen

Fayette County Water System




Subject: Peachtree City – contact list

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 12/16/14, 1:21 PM

To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>

CC: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, “Rodney Jones ([email protected])” <[email protected]>


Patrick – great seeing you and your team this morning. Pls. let me know if there is anything you need from us.

I am attaching the updated contact list from this morning’s meeting. Hoping to have an answer for you on the other items at some point this afternoon.

David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[At this point Rast starts the process to commission a traffic study for the GWL plan.]]


Subject: Dolce Lodge Traffic

From: David Borkowski <[email protected]>

Date: 12/19/14, 12:57 PM

To: “Fangmann, Richard” <[email protected]>, “Mark Edwards ([email protected])” <[email protected]>


When you get a minute needed to discuss some work with you.

I will be out next week but my cell is [redacted].


David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City

[[A photo of an aerial view of Dolce Lodge is included.]]




From: “Fangmann, Richard”

Date:12/19/2014 1:11 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: David Borkowski

Cc: “Edwards, Mark”

Subject: Re: Dolce Lodge Traffic

David. Will you be around this afternoon? I could give you a call.


Richard Fangmann

Pond & Company




From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 1:26 PM

To: Brad Servin

Cc: Jeff Collins

Subject: FW: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

Importance: High


Brad, can you compile the information below?




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: David Rast <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Date: Friday, December 19, 2014 at 2:09 PM

To: Patrick Pline <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>, Alex Lombardo <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>, Rodney Jones <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Cc: Darrell Rochester <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>, Jeff Collins <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>, David Borkowski <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>, Ted Meeker <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>, James Pennington <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Subject: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up


All – we met internally this morning to discuss the Engineering comments we presented earlier in the week. Hopefully this will clarify our position on these items:



Our stormwater management for new development and redevelopment ordinance includes language that differentiates between development and redevelopment, as well as the associated stormwater management plan requirements. It does not appear the “new” development on the property (the new parking area at the northwest corner of the site) will exceed 50% of the site area for the entire site, which means you will only be required to provide water quality, channel protection and detention for this area only.



The existing stream and the pond on the property are considered state waters. As such, buffers are applicable to both bodies of water. The state requires a 25’ buffer from the edge of the creek and/ or the edge of the pond – a variance from the state is required before disturbing these areas. In addition, the Metro North Georgia Water Planning District stream buffer protection ordinance requires a 50’ undisturbed natural buffer as well as a 25’ no-impervious buffer adjacent to state waters – you would need a variance from the city to disturb these areas.


As we discussed, we can run the variance process along with the rezoning process, but the state may take longer for their review/ approval.



We are going to engage our Traffic Consultant and have them run some preliminary numbers as to existing and projected traffic counts. We can then make a determination as to what extent we need to further analyze traffic, intersection design, etc.


If you can, please provide the following:


? Existing/ proposed number of rooms


? Existing/ proposed parking


? Existing/ proposed total SF of buildings – if possible, can this be broken down into existing meeting/ conference space and proposed indoor recreation space?

Give us a call if you have any questions. I am planning to be in the office M/T of next week. My mobile number is [redacted] if you have questions when our offices are closed. Dave is travelling to Pennsylvania but indicated he would be available to speak with you if needed. His mobile number is [redacted].

I will be sending the upcoming meeting dates and links to the variance and rezoning applications later today


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[At some point during the December email exchange Rast emailed to GWL the zoning restrictions of the currently General Commercial Docle site.]]


Dolce Conference Center Review – Currently Zoned GC


Permitted Uses:


• Retail up to 10,000 S.F. (We have 4,000 SF)

• Spa Services (Nail Salons allowed, no mention of Spas)

• Amusement Centers and Arcades (No Apparent Issue with Zoning)

• Indoor Recreation Facilities (No Apparent Issue with Zoning)

• Hotel:

• All Guest rooms accessible by interior corridor (No Issue)

• Lobby Minimum of 800 SF (We have 10,000 SF)

• Minimum 2 Acre property (No Issue)

• On Site Management 24 hours a day (No Issue)

• Each Room with own bathrooms (No Issue)

• On Site Storage of Commercial Equipment prohibited (No Issue)

• No business operation out of Guest room (No Issue)

• Conference Space (No mention of Conference Space)


•How are waterparks and dry play areas classified?


Prohibited Uses:


• None identified.


Conditional Uses:


• Many limitations if we are considered a retail establishment (Review)

• If we are considered a commercial recreation facility we cannot be located adjacent to residential if we have outdoor components.


• How are outdoor slides and outdoor pools viewed?


Special Use Permit Required If:


• Commercial uses over 150,000 SF (We have over 300,000 SF total including support)

• Retail use over 32,000 SF (How are our indoor amusement spaces classified?)


• Special Use Application Requirements may pose additional development issues to be studied if this path is required, specifically Community Design and compliance with the Comprehensive Plan.




• Rear Setback if Adjoining Residential 75 feet. May be an issue.

• Maximum Building Height limited to 35 feet unless rezoned. In no case shall it exceed 65 feet. We are at 95 feet for a portion of the Waterpark and generally 75 feet for the majority of the waterpark.

• Parking Requirements.

• Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan.




Subject: Re: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 12/19/14, 2:12 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Rodney Jones <[email protected]>

CC: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, “Jeff Collins” <[email protected]>, David Borkowski <[email protected]>, Ted Meeker <[email protected]>, “James Pennington” <[email protected]>, Brad Servin <[email protected]>, Bob Nagel <[email protected]>


Thanks David, Good news on the SWM.

Ill get the information your requested below, likely on Monday.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: David Borkowski [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 2:39 PM

To: Fangmann, Richard

Subject: RE: Dolce Lodge Traffic

 Trying to get some stuff done to head out of town. You in office on Monday? 

David Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

Peachtree City

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™




From: “Fangmann, Richard”

Date:12/19/2014 3:01 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: David Borkowski

Subject: RE: Dolce Lodge Traffic


Yes I am – Lets talk then.

Have a great weekend.

Richard Fangmann, P.E., PTOE

Director of Transportation Planning | Associate

Pond & Company




Subject: RE: Dolce Lodge Traffic

From: David Borkowski <[email protected]>

Date: 12/19/14, 3:51 PM

To: “Fangmann, Richard” <[email protected]>


Thanks u 2!


David Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

Peachtree City

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™




Subject: Re: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 12/23/14, 10:56 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Rodney Jones <[email protected]>

CC: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, “Jeff Collins” <[email protected]>, David Borkowski <[email protected]>, Ted Meeker <[email protected]>, “James Pennington” <[email protected]>




We will have the info early next week,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 12/23/14, 12:33 PM

To: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

CC: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, “Jeff Collins” <[email protected]>, David Borkowski <[email protected]>, Ted Meeker <[email protected]>, “James Pennington” <[email protected]>, Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Rodney Jones <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>


All — including everyone so you are aware of the upcoming meeting dates.


Patrick — I am following up with some potential meeting dates and associated submittal deadlines. The first scenario would require a Special Called meeting of the Planning Commission but would potentially give you an answer on the rezoning and the variance request by February 5. The second would follow our regular meeting schedule and would get you before City Council on February 19. Let me know if this needs to happen sooner and we can see what we can do to schedule these meetings.


December 31 — Deadline to submit COMPLETE application

January 9 — Deadline to send legal ad to paper (PC)

January 14 — Legal ad appears in paper/ post site

January 26 — Planning Commission – Public Hearing (Special Called meeting)

January 16 — Deadline to send legal ad to paper (CC)

January 21 — Legal ad appears in paper/ post site

February 5 — City Council – Public Hearing




January 14 — Deadline to submit COMPLETE application

January 23 — Deadline to send legal ad to paper (PC)

January 28 — Legal ad appears in paper/ post site

February 9 — Planning Commission – Public Hearing (regular meeting date)

January 30 — Deadline to send legal ad to paper (CC)

February 4 — Legal ad appears in paper/ post site

February 19 — City Council – Public Hearing


The rezoning application and submittal requirements can be found at this link:


The variance application (if needed) and the submittal requirements can be found here:



Let me know if you have any questions about these dates or the submittal process.

Have a great Christmas!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 12/23/14, 12:41 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, “Jeff Collins” <[email protected]>, David Borkowski <[email protected]>, Ted Meeker <[email protected]>, “James Pennington” <[email protected]>, Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Rodney Jones <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>


The dates in Scenario #2 is more likely to be possible, and that still puts us in good shape for an early March deadline. Let me work out a schedule with the team,

Thanks for all your help and Merry Christmas,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: “Fangmann, Richard”

Date:12/23/2014 4:53 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: David Borkowski

Cc: “Osterloh, Ron” , “Edwards, Mark”

Subject: Pond Scope for Traffic Generation Related to Dolci Lodge Redevelopment


David, Please see the attached proposal for traffic generation related to the Dolci Lodge redevelopment. Please note, this work involves traffic generation comparison for purposes of determining if a full traffic study is needed by the developer.

 We are still working on the scope of work for the Cart Crossing permits. We are trying to get in touch with GDOT to learn more about what they may require for this, but have not been able to reach people today. We will send a separate scope of work later for this.

I hope you have a Great Holiday!


Richard Fangmann, P.E., PTOE

Director of Transportation Planning | Associate

Pond & Company




Subject: Fwd: Pond Scope for Traffic Generation Related to Dolci Lodge Redevelopment

From: David Borkowski <[email protected]>

Date: 12/30/14, 9:54 AM

To: Cinnamon Mack <[email protected]>

CC: David Rast <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>


Cinnamon please get a PO for this proposal from engineering professional services. 



David Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

Peachtree City


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™




From: Brad Servin [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 10:12 AM

To: David Rast

Cc: Jeff Collins; Patrick Pline; Bob Nagel

Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up


Mr. Rast, Per your request below please find the preliminary unit counts and square footage numbers.

The proposed number of units are as follows:

Existing 233

Proposed New Hotel Tower 132

Proposed remodel of existing housing structures 33

Total 398 Units.


Number of parking stalls = Existing 300, New 287, Total 587 1.5 stalls per unit.


Square footage break down.


Convention Center Existing

Ground Floor 55,810 sf

Meeting space 43,120

Support / Mech 12,690 sf


First Floor 75,273

Meeting Space 75,273


Second / Mezzanine Floor 22,311 sf

Meeting space 7,500

Office 14,811


Convention Center Proposed

Ground Floor 89,514 sf

Aquatics 54,650 sf

Entertainment 12,715 sf

Food Service Dining 3,645 sf

Retail 3,950 sf

Mech / Support / circulation 14,554 sf


First Floor 47,875 sf

Meeting Space 25,100 sf

Prefunction / Lobby 9,110 sf

Entertainment 3,000 sf

Mech / support / circulation 10,665 sf


Mezz / Second Floor 13,784

Meeting Space 3,679 sf

Office 4,355 sf

Mech / support space 5,750 sf


Restaurant Existing

Ground Floor 10,290 sf

Meeting 2,825 sf,

Aquatics 2,787

Support / Mech 4,678 sf


First Floor 14,909

Dining 10,684 sf

Support / Mech 4,225 sf


Restaurant Proposed

Ground Floor 7,533 sf sf

Entertainment, bar/lounge 2,855 sf

Support / Mech 4,678 sf


First Floor 14,909`

Dining 10,684 sf

Support / Mech 4,225 sf


Hotel Existing

West Lodge

Ground Floor 28,500 sf

Units 19,440 sf

Support / Mech 9,060 sf

First Floor Units 32,188 sf

Second Floor Units 32,188 sf


East Lodge

Ground Floor 13,710 sf

Units 10,540 sf

Support / Mech 3,170 sf

First Floor Units 15,524 sf

Second Floor Units 15,524 sf


Hotel Proposed 66,000 sf

New Hotel Tower

First Floor 22,000 sf

Second floor 22,000 sf

Third Floor 22,000 sf


West Lodge

Ground Floor 28,500 sf

Units 19,440 sf

Support / Mech 9,060 sf

First Floor Units 32,188 sf

Second Floor Units 32,188 sf


East Lodge

Ground Floor 13,710 sf

Units 10,540 sf

Support / Mech 3,170 sf

First Floor Units 15,524 sf

Second Floor Units 15,524 sf


Bradley R. Servin

Project Architect

Architectural Design Consultants, Inc.

[email protected]

Madison, WI 53717




From: David Rast

Date:12/30/2014 2:27 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: David Borkowski

Cc: Ted Meeker , Jonathan Rorie , James Pennington , Emily Poole

Subject: FW: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up


All — forwarding as an FYI. This is the information we were going to provide POND so they could determine if there would be an increase in traffic volume with the reconfigured site. Also, I believe we were going to determine if off-site improvements might be necessary.

Let’s discuss next week.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner






From: David Borkowski

Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 7:30 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Ted Meeker; Jonathan Rorie

Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up


Has this been forwarded to pond yet?

David Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

Peachtree City

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™




From: David Rast

Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 9:13 AM

To: David Borkowski

Cc: Ted Meeker; Jonathan Rorie

Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up


Not yet – was waiting until we had a chance to meet internally to discuss. I will check with Jon this morning to see how to proceed and keep you posted. Thanks.

Jon – pls. advise.




David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

From: Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>

Date: 1/6/15, 10:15 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, David Borkowski <[email protected]>

CC: Ted Meeker <[email protected]>


Forward to Pond for review of traffic study.


Jonathan N. Rorie, MPA

Community Services Director




Subject: FW: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/6/15, 11:55 AM

To: “Fangmann, Richard ([email protected])” <[email protected]>, “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, “Edwards, Mark ([email protected])” <[email protected]>

CC: David Borkowski <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>


Richard/ Ron/ Mark — Dave B is out this week so I am forwarding the information to you related to the traffic analysis for the potential redevelopment of the Dolce property. Please review the information below and let me know if you have any questions about what they have submitted.

I am attaching the e-mail you initially sent to Dave as a reminder as to what this is for – will follow up with the specific PO number for your billing.

Pls. forward questions directly to me and copy Dave B so he stays in the loop. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Little Red Riding Hood

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 1/6/15, 3:29 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>


Hi David, We had a meeting today with Rochester Associates on the zoning application and a couple questions came up. Can you give me some guidance on them?


1. How often does the City Council Meet? If we missed our Jan 14th submission by a few days does that move the city council vote a month or a couple weeks? (by the way we don’t plan on missing the submission).


2. Rochester said that the city council typically has two readings on zoning cases. Does that sound correct? If so does that extend the Feb 19th final vote to the next meeting date?


3. We also learned of the State of GA 30 day appeal period after the City council votes. Can you confirm that we are subject to this?




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Little Red Riding Hood

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/6/15, 5:12 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <[email protected]>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <[email protected]>


Happy New Year! See responses below:


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Little Red Riding Hood

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 1/6/15, 5:12 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>


Thanks again David, we are busily preparing the application.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: “Fangmann, Richard”

Date:01/06/2015 6:25 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: David Rast , “Osterloh, Ron” , “Edwards, Mark”

Cc: David Borkowski , Jonathan Rorie

Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up


David, Thank you for providing this information. We will begin work on this and will let you know if we have any questions regarding this information.


Richard Fangmann, P.E., PTOE

Director of Transportation Planning | Associate

Pond & Company




From: David Rast [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 8:40 AM

To: Patrick Pline

Cc: Alex Lombardo

Subject: RE: Little Red Riding Hood


Good morning. Just spoke with Ted and he confirmed there is a 30-day period following council action where someone can appeal their decision — I can send more specifics about the appeal process and who can file an appeal if needed. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: Little Red Riding Hood

From: Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>

Date: 1/7/15, 9:39 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, Patrick Pline <[email protected]>


David, Please send us any specifics you have.







Subject: Re: Little Red Riding Hood

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 1/7/15, 9:40 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>


Thanks David, We are having our zoning attorney look into the criteria for launching a “successful” appeal based on change of zone and surrounding zoning to get a better understanding of what our risks are if the re-zoning were to be approved.

Thanks for the information,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Little Red Riding Hood

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/7/15, 9:51 AM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <[email protected]>, Ted Meeker <[email protected]>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <[email protected]>


I might suggest you have your folks speak directly with our City Attorney so they have a better understanding of the process — I am attaching Ted’s contact information.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: David Borkowski

Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 10:17 AM

To: Cinnamon Mack

Subject: Fwd: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

 Did I ask you to get pond a PO number for this? I think I forwarded you their proposal. I had it under dolce I think for traffic analysis.

David Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

Peachtree City


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™




Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

From: Cinnamon Mack <[email protected]>

Date: 1/7/15, 10:25 AM

To: David Borkowski <[email protected]>


Cinnamon Mack

City of Peachtree City

Engineering Staff Assistant




From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 9:40 AM

To: David Rast

Subject: Planning and City Council Meetings


Hi David, Whats Great Wolfs role at the meetings? Are we supposed to make any type of presentation or just be available to answer any questions?

Trying to get ready for these.





Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Planning and City Council Meetings

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/8/15, 10:01 AM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <[email protected]>


Staff starts the presentation with a brief overview of the request. I typically put together a PowerPoint presentation to include aerials, boundary surveys, etc. of the project site and any site plans that are submitted as a part of the application. I conclude my presentation with our recommendations and an overview of any conditions that might be imposed.


The Applicant then has an opportunity to make a presentation — I don’t know if you want to do this yet or not, but this would be a great opportunity to show the information you presented to us at our internal staff meeting about the Great Wolf product.


After Staff and the Applicant make their presentation, those in favor have an opportunity to speak, and then those in opposition have an opportunity to speak. The Public Hearing is then closed and Council has an opportunity to ask questions of both Staff and the Applicant.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Planning and City Council Meetings

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 1/8/15, 10:03 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>


So this is for the city council hearing? Is anything needed for the planning commission public meeting?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Planning and City Council Meetings

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/8/15, 10:06 AM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <[email protected]>


Sorry – same procedure for both.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Planning and City Council Meetings

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 1/8/15, 10:09 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>


Thanks David,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 1:20 PM

To: David Rast

Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up


David, As you know we are working to pull together the rezoning application for submittal on the 14th. Could you clarify/confirm the following items.


1. The site is 38.429 acres. Based on this I come up with a rezoning fee of $2,521.45. Can you confirm this so we can get a check made out for this.


[[Rast replies:]] Correct. Make check payable to the City of Peachtree City.


2. Can you clarify how the building height is measured when there is a basement scenario as we have with on side of the building having a different ground floor elevation as the other. I believe you said it was measured from the ground elevation of the higher (non-basement) side to the tallest part of the building, but wanted to confirm.


[[Rast replies:]] In this scenario, the height of the building is measured on the 2-story side of the building from ground level to the tallest part of the building.


3. While we are working diligently to compile all of the information on the checklist, are there some items such as the utility letters that could be submitted after the 14th but before you need to distribute the complete package? If so, what are the minimum required documents that you must have by the 14th. We are making efforts to get all of the items together, but given the time constraint want to know if there is any flexibility if needed.


[[Rast replies:]] Submit what you have on the 14th along with an estimated timeframe for the remaining items. The legal ads do not go to the paper until the 23rd so we have a few days to secure the remaining items.


I appreciate your help.


Jeff Collins, P.E.

Rochester & Associates, Inc.

286 Highway 314, Suite A

Fayetteville, GA 30214




Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood – Engineering follow-up

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/8/15, 2:40 PM

To: ‘Jeff Collins’ <[email protected]>


See responses below:


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Bradley K. Dunckel [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 1:03 PM

To: David Rast

Subject: Great Wolf



Is there any campaign/donation disclosure form that needs to be signed with the application, etc.?



Bradley Dunckel, P.E.

Rochester & Associates, Inc.




Subject: RE: Great Wolf

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/9/15, 5:47 PM

To: “’Bradley K. Dunckel’” <[email protected]>


We do not require this as a part of our rezoning application.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[In this email, Rast says The Citizen’s Ben Nelms questioned him about the GWL project at a public meeting of the city Planning Commission. Notice how Rast handled the inquiry for public information. Notice also that he copied his boss, City Manager James Pennington, about his handling of The Citizen’s questions.]]


Subject: Great Wolf Resorts – rezoning application received

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/14/15, 5:24 PM

To: Betsy Tyler <[email protected]>

CC: James Pennington <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>, Ted Meeker <[email protected]>


We received the application for the proposed rezoning of the Dolce property to accommodate the Great Wolf Resorts development. The application was submitted around 4:00, and the Applicant is Great Wolf Resorts. I am attaching the proposed site plan – I will log in the application in the morning and review to make sure it is complete.


At Monday’s PC meeting, Ben Nelms asked for a copy of the application. My response was I wasn’t sure what he was talking about — I have a feeling he may be calling in this week to see if we have received anything. My understanding is they want to run a story in Saturday’s paper.


We are on track for the following schedule:


01-23 – complete application due

01-23 – send legal ad to paper

01-28 – legal ad appears in paper

02-09 – Public Hearing (PC)


01-30 – send legal ad to paper

02-04 – legal ad appears in paper

02-19 – Public Hearing (CC)


Ted – in addition to their rezoning application, they also submitted 2 variance requests – one for the proposed encroachment into the 75’ transition yard at the rear of the site and another for the proposed encroachment into the watershed protection buffer adjacent to the existing pond. Would we consider these requests as a variance or would they fall under the rezoning such that we could incorporate these as conditions into the LUC zoning criteria for this tract?

David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 3:44 PM

To: David Rast

Subject: Zoning Application


Hi David, This should have been submitted today, did you receive it?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[Note that at this point the GWL plans to encroach into a protective residential buffer seem to be minor issues to Rast.]]


Subject: RE: Zoning Application

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/14/15, 5:28 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <[email protected]>


Yes – I met with Jeff Collins around 4. Everything looks to be in order. I am checking with the City Attorney to see if we need to handle the encroachments into the transition yard buffer and the watershed protection buffer as variances or if we can incorporate these items into the actual rezoning of the property. Either way, Jeff submitted the information we need.


Will keep you guys posted if there are any questions. I can tell you that one of our local reporters has already been asking for a copy of the application – at the time, I told him I knew nothing about the project.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Zoning Application

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 1/14/15, 5:27 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>


Thanks David, Let me know if we can help.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[Here the city engineer agrees with the Pond traffic study that the GWL project would have “minimal” impact on traffic. Borkowski even states, “… the increases should be even lower.”]]


Subject: Wolf Creek Traffic Impact Study Recommendation

From: David Borkowski <[email protected]>

Date: 1/15/15, 4:37 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>


Pond Does not recommend pursuing a detailed study at this time due to the fact that they see the increase throughout the day as minimal.


I do not disagree with their assessment as they were conservative and assume 100% occupancy for rooms and that is generally not achieved from what I have seen. So the increases should be even lower.



David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




Subject: Great Wolf Lodge

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 10:45 AM

To: PlanningCommission <[email protected]>, “City Council and City Manager” <[email protected]>

CC: Ted Meeker <[email protected]>, Brian Epstein <[email protected]>, David Borkowski <[email protected]>, David Williamson <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>, “Jennis Rice” <[email protected]>, John Dunlap <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>, Kathleen Gray <[email protected]>, Kennisha Collins <[email protected]>, Matthew Scott Bergen <[email protected]>, Michael Madison <[email protected]>, “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, ‘Robert Kurbes’ <[email protected]>


All – some of you are already aware, but we are in receipt of a rezoning application for the 38.429-acre Dolce-Peachtree tract on Aberdeen Parkway. The Applicant is Great Wolf Lodge of Georgia, LLC, and they desire to renovate/ redevelop the overall tract into an indoor water park and resort.


Attached is a narrative describing their intent along with a site plan of proposed improvements. I am also including the results of the analysis our Traffic Consultant conducted related to this request. I will be distributing the complete application internally for Staff review, but wanted to go ahead and send this as background information.


Public Hearings to consider the request will be held at the February 9 PC meeting and the February 19 CC meeting.


Additional information related to Great Wolf and their brand can be found at http://www.greatwolf.com/


Pls. advise if you have any questions. Have a great weekend!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[Here Rast’s detials his response to The Citizen’s request for information on GWL.]]


Subject: Project Little Red Riding Hood just got runned over by the Great Wolf…

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 10:54 AM

To: Betsy Tyler <[email protected]>


Betsy – Ben had requested a copy of the rezoning application, but I am still reviewing to make sure it is complete. I’m thinking the attached will suffice – this is their project narrative and a site plan of what their intent is. Do we initiate sending this to the Fayette News as well?


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[The Planning Commission members begin to weigh in on their first glimpse of the GWL plan.]]


Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge

From: David Conner <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 11:30 AM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>


This was sounding great, until I got to the part about encroachments into the buffer…


David H Conner

Timber Products Inspection, Inc.

1641 Sigman Rd, Conyers, GA 30012




Subject: Little Red Riding Hood got runned over by the Great Wolf…

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 11:51 AM

To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>


Attaching their project narrative as well as the site plan.


Also, the conditions below as included in our position paper for the Residence Inn rezoning.


1. The rezoning shall be limited to Lot 2 within the overall Kedron Office Park.

2. No more than one (1) hotel shall be constructed on the subject tract.

3. The hotel shall be designated as an all-suites hotel with no more than 120 rooms.

4. The hotel shall be no taller than four (4) stories in height.

5. The hotel shall be no taller than 45’ as measured from finish grade to the ridge line or the highest point of the parapet wall, whichever is taller.

6. The hotel shall be located as far north on the subject tract as possible and shall not disturb any of the existing tree cover.

7. The schematic site plan submitted as a part of the rezoning request is illustrative only. The Applicant shall prepare a detailed conceptual site plan which must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission as a part of the established site plan review and approval process. It is understood the general layout of the buildings, parking areas and amenities may change once final engineering documents are prepared.

8. The building elevations for each building shall be presented to and approved by the Planning Commission as a part of the site plan review process. The architectural design, exterior building materials and color selection of the proposed buildings shall be compatible with those used on the 100 World Drive office building.

9. The overall development shall comply with the city’s post-construction stormwater runoff management ordinance and provide water quality Best Management Practices (BMP’s) on greenbelt areas dedicated to the city.

10. The Applicant shall coordinate with the Peachtree City Building, Fire and Police Departments to ensure their understanding of the proposed development, internal circulation routes, emergency response, building design and life safety issues.

11. The developer shall pay impact fees as identified within the city’s Impact Fee Ordinance.

12. A Traffic Study shall be prepared to determine if the proposed change in use might require modifications to maintain the current Level of Service at the Peachtree Parkway/ World Drive intersection. The Traffic Study as well as any off-site improvements shall be funded at the sole expense of the Applicant.

13. The Applicant shall adopt Deed Restrictions for Lot 1 stipulating the subject tract shall be used for office use only as identified in the OI zoning district. The Deed Restrictions shall include a requirement that the Kedron Hills Homeowner’s Association (HOA) must approve any changes to the uses as permitted.

14. The hotel shall maintain a minimum AAA 3-star rating, or equivalent, per hotel industry standards.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[For the first time, Councilman Eric Imker comments on the GWL plan.]]


Subject: FW: Great Wolf Lodge

From: Eric Imker <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 2:13 PM

To: Paul Salvatore <[email protected]>, James Pennington <[email protected]>


Paul, Is there any way to confirm the estimates of over $30M a year revenue is expected and PTC’s share of the hotel tax is estimated to be ~$2M per year. This is a big deal! All indications are this resort will be the biggest thing to hit PTC ever. Concur?






Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge

From: Mike King <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 2:32 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, PlanningCommission <[email protected]>, City Council and City Manager <[email protected]>

CC: Ted Meeker <[email protected]>, Brian Epstein <[email protected]>, David Borkowski <[email protected]>, David Williamson <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>, “Jennis Rice” <[email protected]>, John Dunlap <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>, Kathleen Gray <[email protected]>, Kennisha Collins <[email protected]>, Matthew Scott Bergen <[email protected]>, Michael Madison <[email protected]>, “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, ‘Robert Kurbes’ <[email protected]>


Great news David!


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone




Subject: RE: Project Little Red Riding Hood just got runned over by the Great Wolf…

From: Betsy Tyler <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 2:35 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>


Lol – I think you are correct on the attached being enough for now. I can send on to Ben or you can, but I think you should note the application isn’t complete yet, so this is all we can send. I would wait until the Fayette News requests.



Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk

City of Peachtree City




On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Lynda Wojcik <[email protected]> wrote:



Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge

From: Lynda Wojcik <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 2:53 PM

To: David Conner <[email protected]>, “Frank Destadio” <[email protected]>, “Aaron Daily ([email protected])” <[email protected]>, Terrence Manning <[email protected]>, “Phil Prebor” <[email protected]>

CC: David Rast <[email protected]>


Interesting proposal…the request for variance along residential is very problematic for me…I am betting that this public hearing will likely be longer than January’s was. Lynda




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge

From: Paul Salvatore <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 2:54 PM

To: Eric Imker <[email protected]>


From what I’m reading in this excerpt, the H/M Taxes would be $1.5M, so that would put annual sales subject to H/M Tax right at $18,750,000. Only half of that ($750,000) would go to the General Fund and the other half to CVB.

One thing that I don’t see mentioned here is anything in regard to either LOST or Alcoholic Beverage/Mixed Drink Tax. I assume they will generate both since I hear they sell all kinds of merchandise, and I’m sure they’ll be serving drinks as well. I would also be curious to see what kind of bump we might get initially from any permitting revenue for all the renovation (unless any of those have been waived as part of the deal.

As far as verifying their revenue numbers, the only thing I could think of is to get hold of H/M Tax filing information for one of their other locations that is a similar size as this one will be (from whatever city) and see what they’ve been reporting.




[[Councilman King reacts to the news that The Citizen has a copy of the GWL proposal.]]


On Jan 16, 2015, at 2:53 PM, Mike King <[email protected]> wrote:


I guess the cat is out of the bag.

What are your views on contacting them to make a formal announcement?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone




From: Eric Imker

Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 4:06 PM

To: Paul Salvatore

Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge


Wouldn’t Tourism Product & Development also get 1/2 value of Gen Fund amount which would be an add’l $750K.

So combining Hotel and Tourism/Prd Dev = $750K + $375K = ~$1,125K for PTC.

Plus the Property tax of $100K plus LOST bump $???K plus the alcohol bump plus like you say possible permitting revenue.

Is all this reasonable?





On Jan 16, 2015, at 4:56 PM, Fayette GA <[email protected]> wrote:


I’ll reach out to them and say something along the lines of “when the transaction is complete and you’re ready to make a statement, I can assist with that along with the Governor’s Office..” I think it’s a bit premature to ask them to do one now, but I’ll stress the importance of sooner rather than later.


Sent from my iPhone




Subject: Re: Great Wolf

From: Mike King <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 5:02 PM

To: Fayette GA <[email protected]>

CC: Vanessa Fleisch <[email protected]>


You are the best! Enjoy the weekend.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge

From: Paul Salvatore <[email protected]>

Date: 1/16/15, 5:07 PM

To: Eric Imker <[email protected]>


$750K (4% of the total 8% H/M Tax from GWL) would be the total amount for PTC. Out of the 4% (half) that we get, 1% has to be spent on that list of authorized TPD items and the other 3% is unrestricted. The whole 4% for PTC goes into our General Fund, but we make sure to earmark specific expense items in the Recreation department budget for the 1% TPD requirements.


Anyway, we now budget a total of $670,997 for the whole 4% that goes into our G/F. If we really get as much as they claim we will ($750K) I would be really surprised. Pleasantly surprised, but surprised! If we do get that much out of them, I would also be surprised if sales from some of the other large hotels do not take a hit.




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge

From: “Frank Destadio” <[email protected]>

Date: 1/17/15, 6:22 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>, PlanningCommission <[email protected]>, City Council and City Manager <[email protected]>

CC: Ted Meeker <[email protected]>, Brian Epstein <[email protected]>, David Borkowski <[email protected]>, David Williamson <[email protected]>, Emily Poole <[email protected]>, “Jennis Rice” <[email protected]>, John Dunlap <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>, Kathleen Gray <[email protected]>, Kennisha Collins <[email protected]>, Matthew Scott Bergen <[email protected]>, Michael Madison <[email protected]>, “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, ‘Robert Kurbes’ <[email protected]>


Interesting idea.



Sent from my Galaxy S®III




On Jan 20, 2015, at 6:51 PM, Brian K. Rochester <[email protected]> wrote:

Councilman King

Happy New Year. I hope you are doing well. I guess I’m like a bad penny and just keep showing up. I am working for the potential purchaser on the Dolce property. I didn’t know if you would mind taking a few minutes to sit down with me and review the plan. I will be meeting with staff on site this Thursday at 11:00. Would you be available for lunch after that meeting? Please feel free to call me on my cell at [redacted].






From: Mike King [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 6:56 PM

To: Brian K. Rochester

Subject: Re: Little Red Riding Hood


Brian, Unfortunately, I have a 2:00 pm class I’m giving in Newnan on Thursday followed by a 4:00 pm Development Authority meeting. Could we meet earlier? Perhaps at 10:00?


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




On Jan 20, 2015, at 6:57 PM, Brian K. Rochester <[email protected]> wrote:

That would be perfect. Where would be convenient for you?




From: Mike King [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 6:59 PM

To: Brian K. Rochester

Subject: Re: Little Red Riding Hood


City Hall? I’m sure I can find a spot.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




Subject: RE: Little Red Riding Hood

From: “Brian K. Rochester” <[email protected]>

Date: 1/20/15, 6:57 PM

To: Mike King <[email protected]>


Sounds great. I will see you there. I really appreciate you taking the time.




On Jan 21, 2015, at 8:28 AM, “David Borkowski” <[email protected]> wrote:


Got your voicemail.

 Yes received the Traffic memo for Dolce. It was pretty self-explanatory. We forwarded on to our manager and council and the developer. No questions here.

Received proposal for cart crossings. Stay tuned. Meeting with County today so may have questions after that.

Thanks for follow up.


David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer




Subject: Re: Follow up phone call

From: “Fangmann, Richard” <[email protected]>

Date: 1/21/15, 9:42 AM

To: David Borkowski <[email protected]>

CC: “Edwards, Mark” <[email protected]>


Thanks for the update David.

Let me know if you have any questions after your talk with the County. 


Richard Fangmann

Pond & Company




From: Betsy Tyler

Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 11:50 AM

To: [email protected]

Cc: David Rast

Subject: WAIT on drive for Great Wolf Interview

Importance: High


Hi, Berndt –


I’ve spoken with the Mayor and the City Manager, and no one can really speak to the proposed project at this time. We have their application (just received) online at http://www.peachtree-city.org/index.aspx?NID=1081, but there will be a hearing with the Planning Commission followed by a hearing by Council. Since this was just submitted, no one on staff is in a position to comment. A better contact would be someone with Great Wolf. Their application lists the following phone nubers:

Great Wolf Lodge of GA LLC (Madison WI) – [redacted]

Leeward Strategic Properties, Inc. (Alpharetta) – [redacted]


Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




Subject: RE: WAIT on drive for Great Wolf Interview

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/21/15, 12:55 PM

To: Betsy Tyler <[email protected]>


Betsy – we have been working with Patrick Pline and Alex Lombardo with Great Wolf. Patrick is the Director of Development and Alex is the Senior VP of Development.

Patrick: [redacted]

Alex: [redacted]


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[Rast complains about “misinformation.”]]


On Jan 21, 2015, at 9:58 AM, David Rast <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:


All – just a head’s up that the proposed project has made the local papers and may be on the Atlanta news this evening. As with most cases, lots of misinformation and rumblings about what is proposed – I did put your application, along with a link to your website, on the Planning web page so folks could see what is being proposed.

Is there a PIO with Great Wolf we should direct calls to? Thanks!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


[[EDITORIAL NOTE: Isn’t it interesting that the people who complain the loudest about “misinformation” almost always are the very ones who possess the “correct” information but have refused to share it with the media and the public?]]




Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – the howling has begun….eml

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – the howling has begun…

From: Patrick Pline <[email protected]>

Date: 1/21/15, 1:07 PM

To: David Rast <[email protected]>

CC: Alex Lombardo <[email protected]>, Jeff Collins <[email protected]>


We are getting calls as well. I’ll get the proper contact


Sent from my iPhone




From: Susie Storey <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Date: January 21, 2015 at 1:27:08 PM PST

To: Patrick Pline <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Subject: Contact information from Great Wolf Lodge


Hi Patrick:

Below is my contact information.


Susan L. Storey, APR | Communications Director Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.<http://www.greatwolf.com/>

525 Junction Road, Suite 6000 South | Madison WI 53717

Office: 608.662.4722 | Fax: 608.662.4701 [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>




From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:33 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Susie Storey

Subject: Fwd: Contact information from Great Wolf Lodge


Hi David, Below is a contact at great wolf for media inquiries.



Sent from my iPhone




Subject: FW: Contact information from Great Wolf Lodge

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/22/15, 5:26 AM

To: Betsy Tyler <[email protected]>

CC: Emily Poole <[email protected]>, James Pennington <[email protected]>, Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>


All – I asked Patrick if there was an internal marketing or PIO that might be able to answer questions about the company and what they are proposing. He told me yesterday he and Alex had already received calls.

See contact information for Susan Storey below:


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Fwd: Great Wolf Lodge

From: Vanessa Fleisch <[email protected]>

Date: 1/22/15, 8:06 AM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <[email protected]>


Vanessa Fleisch 

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad


[[The mayor then forwards an earlier staff email to a number of other staff members at the city and county.]]


Begin forwarded message:


From: “David Rast” <[email protected]>

To: “PlanningCommission” <[email protected]>, “City Council and City Manager” <[email protected]>

Cc: “Ted Meeker” <[email protected]>, “Brian Epstein” <[email protected]>, “David Borkowski” <[email protected]>, “David Williamson” <[email protected]>, “Emily Poole” <[email protected]>, “Jennis Rice” <[email protected]>, “John Dunlap” <[email protected]>, “Jonathan Rorie” <[email protected]>, “Kathleen Gray” <[email protected]>, “Kennisha Collins” <[email protected]>, “Matthew Scott Bergen” <[email protected]>, “Michael Madison” <[email protected]>, “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, “’Robert Kurbes’” <[email protected]>

Subject: Great Wolf Lodge


All – some of you are already aware, but we are in receipt of a rezoning application for the 38.429-acre Dolce-Peachtree tract on Aberdeen Parkway. The Applicant is Great Wolf Lodge of Georgia, LLC, and they desire to renovate/ redevelop the overall tract into an indoor water park and resort.


Attached is a narrative describing their intent along with a site plan of proposed improvements. I am also including the results of the analysis our Traffic Consultant conducted related to this request. I will be distributing the complete application internally for Staff review, but wanted to go ahead and send this as background information.


Public Hearings to consider the request will be held at the February 9 PC meeting and the February 19 CC meeting.


Additional information related to Great Wolf and their brand can be found at http://www.greatwolf.com/


Pls. advise if you have any questions. Have a great weekend!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Vanessa Fleisch

Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 3:04 PM

To: Jonathan Rorie

Cc: James Pennington

Subject: Great Wolf questions


Hi Jon, Here are the questions we discussed :

From a tax revenue potential, what are the differences between the dolce and great wolf?

What would be the differences between the dolce and if it were a shopping center?

Where are the current cart paths around the property?

Is it possible to get some sort of photo showing what the view of the hotel would be for the residents of Preston chase?

For noise considerations, will all of the amenities be indoors?

The tube tower is it enclosed or exposed?

When doing the presentation I think people will want to know about traffic. It might be a good idea to show the traffic study results showing the road off of Aberdeen parkway and the light at Westpark. Those areas have already been identified for improvement regardless of whether or not great wolf occupies the dolce but I do not think the citizens are aware of the traffic study suggestions for that area.



Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




From: Kim Learnard

Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 12:35 PM

To: James Pennington

Subject: Great Wolf Lodge


Jim I have rarely seen so much concern over a single proposal as I am now receiving from citizens regarding the Great Wolf project. What is the status at this moment – we have just received the proposal? Any more info? Can you tell me if or when you think this will go to the Planning Commission?

Many thanks,


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3




Subject: FW: Great Wolf questions

From: Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>

Date: 1/23/15, 11:40 AM

To: David Borkowski <[email protected]>, David Rast <[email protected]>


Jonathan N. Rorie, MPA

Community Services Director




From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Subject: FW: Great Wolf Peachtree City – questions

Date: 01/30/15 1:41 PM


Sending as an FYI – these are some preliminary questions we got from the PC after our 2×2’s [sic].


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


[[Below is the email thread containing the questions.]]


From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:04 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Brian K. Rochester; Jeff Collins; Brad Servin

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – questions


Hi David, See responses below. Working on elevations and layouts but wanted to get you most of the answers.




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.


On Jan 28, 2015, at 2:35 PM, David Rast <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:


Good afternoon. We met with our Planning Commissioners earlier today in 2×2 meetings to discuss the proposed rezoning and to answer their questions as best we could. I am forwarding a couple of questions and comments we could not address and am hoping you can provide a quick reply. Thanks!


* Where did the numbers related to additional revenues to the city come from that were mentioned in the project narrative? Can they provide a breakdown as to how they came up with these numbers? These revenues were derived from a series of Resort financial projections that were then exposed to existing tax rates for the State of Georgia, Fayette County, and Peachtree City.


* From a tax revenue potential, what are the differences between the Dolce and Great Wolf? What would the differences be between the Dolce and a retail center?Based on Dolce’s 2014 property tax statement, we believe Great Wolf will generate more than 6 times the amount of property tax. We do not have the information to accurately compare tax revenues between Dolce and a proposed retail center. The difference is generated from higher room rates, additional spending at restaurants, retail, etc. that currently don’t exist onsite along with an expected increase in property fair market (and assessment) value as a result of new construction.


* The traffic impact analysis shows that the additional traffic would not warrant a signal at the HWY 74/ Aberdeen PKWY intersection. Would Great Wolf be willing to participate in the cost of a signal if it is determined that one is needed in the future? Make sure they are aware there have been a number of accidents at this intersection, including fatalities, and some are concerned with the potential increase in turning movements at this intersection from visitors to the resort. We can discuss further.


* Has the potential of relocating or flipping the orientation of the indoor water park building been explored? This may result in removing the encroachment into the 75’ transition yard and may lessen the impact of the tower adjacent to the apartment buildings. The outdoor slides (which is where the tall slide tower is) and waterpark mechanical building (block that protrudes from building side facing the back property) need truck access for maintenance and deliveries and they need to be on the same side of the waterpark. There is no other orientation that fits and provides truck access without obstructing the other buildings(Lake building and Utility Building) or requiring roads to be built throughout the center of the property which would obstruct the existing housing. We tried very hard to not have this situation but this is our only option.


* Do we know what the building elevations will look like that face Preston Chase or Wisdom Woods? Working on this.


* Are all of the amenities indoors? What type of noise will be generated from the water park building? All amenities are indoor, and we recently decided to remove the outdoor pool at the lake building (we still will have outdoor seating, food, etc there).


* How will the water slide tower be constructed and what material will be used? What will this look like from the exterior of the building? The water slide tower stairs, platforms, etc are inside the building. Guests enter the slides from inside the building which then go outside and then back inside. The only thing visible from the outside is the building (which contains the stairs/platform etc) and of course the slide tubes from where they exit the building (high) and re-enter the building (low). We are working on the elevations on this side.


* Do the exposed water slide tubes need to be brightly colored or can they be earth tone? Can they send us a picture of a similar water slide tower from another location? They can be earth tones and we will forward some pictures.


* Is it possible to maintain the existing buffer behind the Preston Chase subdivision? Can we require them to plant evergreen understory trees behind these lots to provide additional buffering?I believe we can avoid disturbing the existing tree buffer at the back property line except for where we have the new service road extension connect to the parking lot behind the utility building. We should have new layout plan shortly to confirm this. We can discuss other visual buffers (understory) as long as they can survive and provide benefit.


* Will they offer golf carts for their guests? Can we limit the number of carts they offer?We have no plans for rental golf carts (maybe one for internal use/marketing). Im guessing rental carts are viewed as a negative?


* Will there be additional lighting in the parking lots or along the service road? Just to light the new parking areas, or if required by code once we submit the site plan.


* What will be the tallest portion of the building and/ or water slide tower, and how tall will it be? The ridge line of the overall waterpark building is approx. 75 feet from surrounding grade. One section of this building pops up another 10 or so feet to accommodate the height of the internal slide tower (top platform of the internal slide tower is around 60 feet, so by time you add head clearance and roof structure you are up to 85 feet. Since one side of this property drops down ten feet (by the utilities building) the tallest height measured on this side would be around 95 feet. We are working on elevations to show this. Further to this, we will minimize the height of the building once the rides are designed and the structure is designed to accommodate the rides but I doubt that it will change more than 5 or so feet. Wish we could nail this down but it takes significant design dollars and engineering to determine the slide height requirements since you have to fully engineer the rides and have the building design much farther along. We went with a height request that we can live with, and hopefully reduce.


Not urgent, but pls. send a reply at your earliest convenience so I can forward to the PC members. Thanks!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




The email thread below is long, but contains GWL’s answers to questions raised about their plans.]]


From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:04 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Brian K. Rochester; Jeff Collins; Brad Servin

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – questions


Hi David, See responses below. Working on elevations and layouts but wanted to get you most of the answers.




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.


Subject: FW: Great Wolf Peachtree City – questions

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/29/15, 6:00 PM

To: James Pennington <[email protected]>

CC: Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>


See responses from Great Wolf below. I am also attaching the sketch I mentioned to you and Vanessa this morning. I am hoping to get their revised site plan tomorrow afternoon or Monday, which Patrick indicated would incorporate most of these recommendations. Pls. forward as appropriate. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


——-Original Message——-

From: Patrick Pline [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:04 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Brian K. Rochester; Jeff Collins; Brad Servin

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – questions


Hi David, See responses below. Working on elevations and layouts but wanted to get you most of the answers.




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.


[[The email below contains GWL’s answers.]]


On Jan 28, 2015, at 2:35 PM, David Rast <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:


Good afternoon. We met with our Planning Commissioners earlier today in 2×2 meetings to discuss the proposed rezoning and to answer their questions as best we could. I am forwarding a couple of questions and comments we could not address and am hoping you can provide a quick reply. Thanks!


* Where did the numbers related to additional revenues to the city come from that were mentioned in the project narrative? Can they provide a breakdown as to how they came up with these numbers?


[[GWL replies:]] These revenues were derived from a series of Resort financial projections that were then exposed to existing tax rates for the State of Georgia, Fayette County, and Peachtree City.


* From a tax revenue potential, what are the differences between the Dolce and Great Wolf? What would the differences be between the Dolce and a retail center?


[[GWL replies:]] Based on Dolce’s 2014 property tax statement, we believe Great Wolf will generate more than 6 times the amount of property tax. We do not have the information to accurately compare tax revenues between Dolce and a proposed retail center. The difference is generated from higher room rates, additional spending at restaurants, retail, etc. that currently don’t exist onsite along with an expected increase in property fair market (and assessment) value as a result of new construction.


* The traffic impact analysis shows that the additional traffic would not warrant a signal at the HWY 74/ Aberdeen PKWY intersection. Would Great Wolf be willing to participate in the cost of a signal if it is determined that one is needed in the future? Make sure they are aware there have been a number of accidents at this intersection, including fatalities, and some are concerned with the potential increase in turning movements at this intersection from visitors to the resort.


[[GWL replies:]] We can discuss further.


* Has the potential of relocating or flipping the orientation of the indoor water park building been explored? This may result in removing the encroachment into the 75’ transition yard and may lessen the impact of the tower adjacent to the apartment buildings.


[[GWL replies:]] The outdoor slides (which is where the tall slide tower is) and waterpark mechanical building (block that protrudes from building side facing the back property) need truck access for maintenance and deliveries and they need to be on the same side of the waterpark. There is no other orientation that fits and provides truck access without obstructing the other buildings(Lake building and Utility Building) or requiring roads to be built throughout the center of the property which would obstruct the existing housing. We tried very hard to not have this situation but this is our only option.


* Do we know what the building elevations will look like that face Preston Chase or Wisdom Woods?


[[GWL replies:]] Working on this.


* Are all of the amenities indoors? What type of noise will be generated from the water park building?


[[GWL replies:]] All amenities are indoor, and we recently decided to remove the outdoor pool at the lake building (we still will have outdoor seating, food, etc there).


* How will the water slide tower be constructed and what material will be used? What will this look like from the exterior of the building?


[[GWL replies:]] The water slide tower stairs, platforms, etc are inside the building. Guests enter the slides from inside the building which then go outside and then back inside. The only thing visible from the outside is the building (which contains the stairs/platform etc) and of course the slide tubes from where they exit the building (high) and re-enter the building (low). We are working on the elevations on this side.


* Do the exposed water slide tubes need to be brightly colored or can they be earth tone? Can they send us a picture of a similar water slide tower from another location?


[[GWL replies:]] They can be earth tones and we will forward some pictures.


* Is it possible to maintain the existing buffer behind the Preston Chase subdivision? Can we require them to plant evergreen understory trees behind these lots to provide additional buffering?


[[GWL replies:]] I believe we can avoid disturbing the existing tree buffer at the back property line except for where we have the new service road extension connect to the parking lot behind the utility building. We should have new layout plan shortly to confirm this. We can discuss other visual buffers (understory) as long as they can survive and provide benefit.


* Will they offer golf carts for their guests? Can we limit the number of carts they offer?


[[GWL replies:]] We have no plans for rental golf carts (maybe one for internal use/marketing). Im guessing rental carts are viewed as a negative?


* Will there be additional lighting in the parking lots or along the service road?


[[GWL replies:]] Just to light the new parking areas, or if required by code once we submit the site plan.


* What will be the tallest portion of the building and/ or water slide tower, and how tall will it be?


[[GWL replies:]] The ridge line of the overall waterpark building is approx. 75 feet from surrounding grade. One section of this building pops up another 10 or so feet to accommodate the height of the internal slide tower (top platform of the internal slide tower is around 60 feet, so by time you add head clearance and roof structure you are up to 85 feet. Since one side of this property drops down ten feet (by the utilities building) the tallest height measured on this side would be around 95 feet. We are working on elevations to show this. Further to this, we will minimize the height of the building once the rides are designed and the structure is designed to accommodate the rides but I doubt that it will change more than 5 or so feet. Wish we could nail this down but it takes significant design dollars and engineering to determine the slide height requirements since you have to fully engineer the rides and have the building design much farther along. We went with a height request that we can live with, and hopefully reduce.


Not urgent, but pls. send a reply at your earliest convenience so I can forward to the PC members. Thanks!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Preston Chase – drainage issues

From: David Rast <[email protected]>

Date: 1/30/15, 4:37 PM

To: David Borkowski <[email protected]>, Michael Madison <[email protected]>

CC: Jonathan Rorie <[email protected]>


All – I was looking through the Preston Chase subdivision folder after our meeting this morning and ran across a file related to drainage issues in Preston Chase. These date back to 1995 and some appear to be related to the construction of Preston Chase and some appear to be related to the expansion of the former Aberdeen Woods facility. I honestly don’t know if these were addressed or if this might be what John is referring to.


I have the subdivision folder in my office if you want to review, but thought I would start with the attached summary. From my quick review, it appears the detention area I mentioned this morning and a ‘stilling basin’ were installed by the contractor for Aberdeen Woods to try and help with the drainage issues. Not sure if anything was done to the storm drains in Preston Chase.


Jon – Pls. advise how to proceed and/ or if I should send this information to great Wolf’s Civil Engineer.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner






[[Part 2 next week will contain emails from Feb. 1 through April 17, 2015.]]