From bad news to good news for FCHS JROTC


How often does a letter to the The Citizen editor offer a “good news” story?

Well, today, this is just such a letter.

Last week, I spoke of the challenges facing the Fayette County High School JROTC Rifle Team with the elimination of their dedicated practice facility.

Since that time, Dr. Daniel Lane – the FCHS Principal – has stepped in to partner with the JROTC Leadership team to identify several alternative practice facilities and is preparing to present those options to the Board of Education Central Office for approval.

I am hopeful the Central Office will support the FCHS JROTC Rifle Team and approve one of the alternate practice facilities Dr. Lane’s-led efforts identified.

Thanks again to Dr. Lane for his leadership and efforts to support the JROTC Program – and the Rifle Team – at FCHS.

Tom Meyer
Fayetteville, Ga.