Hall of Fame location announced


The Georgia Military Veterans Hall of Fame Board of Directors, Georgia Department of Veterans Service, and Georgia Building Authority agreed in mid-June that the initial location of the GMVHOF would be in the Floyd Veterans Memorial Building on the state capitol grounds.
“This is a dream come true,” director Paul Longgrear stated. “We are actually going to be located on the grounds where all the war memorials are located at the state capitol. We started the GMVHOF in February of 2013 and in the first two years, we inducted 34 Georgians from the Civil War to the current war.  Nominations are down for some reason this year and we need a bunch more to have a representative class.”

There are more than 770,000 veterans in the state of Georgia. The only requirements for nomination are: honorably discharged from military service (DD Form 214 or other pertinent documents), born or entered the military from the state of Georgia, or if the nominee has lived in Georgia for 10 continuous years.  Nominations may be made in one of three categories: VALOR, ACHIEVEMENT, or SERVICE.

Nomination and instructions for packets can be down loaded from the website, www.gmvhof.org.  Nomination packets must be mailed no later than 28 August to PO Box 475, Pine Mountain, Ga. 31822. Additionally, those desiring to make tax deductable donations may send them to the same address.  

Does your city or county have a hero deserving of such statewide recognition?  If so, visit www.gmvhof.org and submit his or her nomination today.

Board members and volunteers who gathered recently at the Hall of Fame site include, from left, Nathan Humphries, Anna Wing, Paul Longgrear (holding banner), Chip Gregory (holding banner), Jack Wheeler, Lynn Griffeth and board chairman Rick White.