Sandy Creek High in national spotlight at competition


A delegation of eight students from the graphic communications and automotive career pathways at Sandy Creek High represented Georgia at the annual SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, where the school’s chapter was recognized as one of the top 24 in the nation.

The chapter was awarded the “Gold Chapter of Distinction” in the inaugural SkillsUSA Model Chapter of Excellence program that recognizes the top 24 chapters in the nation. Each of these chapters went through an extensive evaluation process that included completion of an application, presentation, and interview to earn an award in one of three areas of the SkillsUSA framework: personal skills, workplace skills, and technical skills. All chapter activities are built around these areas, and are grounded in academics. Sandy Creek was recognized on stage during a special presentation with students Cameron King and Madison Riley representing the chapter.

Also recognized on the SkillsUSA national stage during the conference’s opening ceremonies was Helen Smith who won the national T-shirt design contest. Her design was featured on the official 2015 SkillsUSA national conference T-shirt that was given to every participant.

During the conference’s competitive events, Kristopher Davis placed sixth in the nation in Mobile Electronics Installation. Additional competitors included Jordan Fason, Extemporaneous Speaking; Jin Kim, Web Design; Anthony Sarkis, Web Design; and Ty Simpson, Computer Programming.

This year marked the ninth consecutive year that the Sandy Creek SkillsUSA chapter has competed at the national conference.

SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. The organization helps high school and college students enrolled in career and technical education programs to excel by teaching employability skills such as communication, problem solving, and leadership in conjunction with their trade, technical and service occupation skills.