Things to do-July 15-August 3


July 15

“Flies at the Well,” the new musical play based on the 1948 John Wallace murder trial, is slated to premiere in Newnan next spring, but local residents can get a “sneak peek” of a scene and one of the songs from the upcoming show, plus some insight into the development process, at a special event at 6:30 p.m. at the Newnan Historic Train Depot. The event is part of a summer / fall series funded through a grant from the Georgia Humanities Council. The next event in the series is Saturday, July 18, when Melissa Dickson Jackson will present a talk about the life of Mayhayley Lancaster. Free readings from local psychic Chrystal Lynn will also be available. Jackson has done extensive research on Lancaster and has written about her for Newnan-Coweta Magazine. Jackson is a professor at University of West Georgia, teaching creative writing. The Mayhayley Lancaster event, “Oracle of the Ages,” will begin at 1 p.m. with psychic readings, followed by a 2 p.m. lecture.
Both events are free and open to the public.

July 16

Peachtree City Library is highlighting the importance of water conservation as part of their summer reading program for adults this year. Library staff has developed a “Water Conservation Hero Passport” that participants can use to record their water conservation activities for their chance to win a prize at the conclusion of the summer reading program on July 31. Passports can be picked up in person at the library or printed from home using the link provided at The next water conservation activity is a talk by Pam Young, “The Flint River: Our Endangered River,” today at 11 a.m. in the Floy Farr Room at Peachtree City Library. Young, executive director of Southern Conservation Trust, will explain why the Flint is a river running dry, including the urbanization at the river’s headwaters and water demand from communities (such as ours) in the upper Flint basin. Participants are encouraged to attend this session to learn how to make water conservation part of daily life.

July 18

The second Market Day of 2015 is scheduled for today on the grounds of the Historic Courthouse in Downtown Fayetteville. Fayetteville Main Street welcomes everyone to browse through a variety of vendors showcasing their homemade and homegrown products and enjoy a day filled with music and a lot of unique items in this “open air” market which opens at 10 a.m. and will close at 2 p.m. Subsequent Market Days will be held on the third Saturday of every month through August, and on the fourth Saturday of September and October.
The Main Street Welcome Center located inside the Courthouse is also open that day for informational brochures, ornaments, T-shirts and other memorabilia. Any vendors wishing to participate in future Market Days should call 770-719-4173. For info on other planned events in downtown Fayetteville, check the Main Street Calendar at

A program titled “Water Wise Plants” is scheduled today from1-2 p.m. at Fayette Senior Services’ Peachtree City location (The Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail).Kim Toal with the Extension Office will be speaking about water-wise landscaping, plants that require less water having a gorgeous landscape that is lower maintenance.The program is free but pre-registration is required at 770-461-0813 or [email protected] (include name, phone number and event title). FSS members and non-members welcome. For more information, visit

This summer, Peachtree City’s Outdoor Movie Series will be hosted at the Glenloch Recreation Center. “Dolphin Tale 2” is the featured film today. The movie starts at dark but there will be games and prizes earlier in the evening.

\Several local organizations are teaming up to host a Back to School Expo Saturday, July 18, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the county administrative complex, 140 Stonewall Ave. West in Fayetteville. In addition to fun games and free food, there will be on-site immunizations for children and health screening checks. Parents have the opportunity to sign up for lunch programs, afterschool programs, and learn information about PTO as well as volunteer opportunities. LifeSouth will also be conducting an on-site blood drive. There will be information available on staying healthy at school, managing asthma and diabetes, and as well as tutoring and enrichment programs.For more information, visit or contact Becky Smith at [email protected].

July 19

The American Red Cross will host a summer blood drive from 11 a.m.–4 p.m. at the Peachtree City SDA Church, 4957 Hwy. 34 E in Sharpsburg. Donors can sign up now to give by going to, clicking on Donate Blood, and searching for PTCSDA.
For more information, go

July 20

Fayette Senior Services has scheduled “Ask the Doc” today at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive in Fayetteville. Everyone has questions about certain medical topics, and this program is a chance to get them answered. It is the third in a series of four scheduled for this year. Join Dr. Andrew Darlington with Piedmont Heart Institute as he answers questions about heart health.
The program is free but pre-registration is required at 770-461-0813 or [email protected] (include name, phone number and event title). FSS members and non-members welcome. For more information, visit

July 25

Amazing Grace Community Resource Center is sponsoring a Community Back-To-School Bash today from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at 949 Pointe South Pkwy. There will be health screenings, anti-bullying literature and discussion, healthcare information, food, raffles, games, school supplies and more.Single parents with three or more children can phone 770-478-2606 for special arrangements.

The next Walk with a Doc event will still take place today at 8:30 a.m. at Patriot Park on Redwine Rd. in Fayetteville. The only difference will be the “doc” doing the walking. Andrew Darlington, M.D., originally scheduled to take part in the Aug. 22 event, will now walk in the July event and Harry Snapperman, M.D. will now take Dr. Darlington’s spot in August. Dr. Darlington is a cardiologist, board certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine and Nuclear Cardiology. He is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology and a member of the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation and Cardiomyopathy. Dr. Darlington has a special interest in Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy.Piedmont Fayette Hospital invites all members of the Fayette County community to “live better” and spend some time with Piedmont doctors outside of office visits. Doctors will take five minutes to talk about a health topic of their choice and participants can ask questions for the remainder of the session (approximately 40 minutes) as they walk several laps around the loop at Patriot Park. The walk begins at 8:30 a.m. with check in beginning at 8 a.m. Participants will receive a free pedometer and T-shirt. Registration for Walk with a Doc is required. Visit or call 877.527.3712 (toll free) to register. Limited space available. For more information, contact Chris Moore at 770.719.6024 or [email protected].

July 28

Piedmont Fayette Hospital and Fayette Senior Services are teaming up to present the farm-to-table way in a special program from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive in Fayetteville. Speakers include Angela Bean (director of Peachtree City Farmer’s Market), Bonnie Kanofsky (FSS executive chef), Scott Tyson (owner of 180 Degree Farm) and Ellen Steinberg (dietician with Piedmont Fayette Hospital. The program is $15, includes lunch and must be paid at the time or registration. Pre-registration is required. FSS members and non-members welcome. For more information, phone 770-461-0813 or visit

July 30

“The Fat Boy Chronicles” is coming back to the NCG Theatre on Fischer Rd. Sharpsburg/Peachtree City today at 9:30 a.m. Admission is free.
Hosted by Family Patterns Matter, Inc. and the Youth Advisory Board. Inspired by a true story, bullies tried to take his self-worth, but they couldn’t take his courage. This is a family movie for all to see. [email protected].


August 3

Give the “gift of life” at the Senoia Area Blood Drive that will be held at the Senoia United Methodist Church from 1 p.m. -6 p.m. The Senoia United Methodist Church and the Senoia Optimist Club are co-sponsoring this important blood drive. Senoia Optimist Club member and blood drive coordinator Ellen Ingram may be contacted at 770-842-4533. Please remember, too, that “walk-ins” are always welcome at these drives.