Sharpsburg readies for first park


Initial work on Sharpsburg’s first park is about to begin. Once completed, the one-acre park adjacent to Town Hall will feature passive and play areas, a pavilion and gazebo and a parking area.

“The park will be a nice addition to the town,” said Mayor Wendell Staley.

The park will be situated immediatley adjacent to Town Hall, with a portion of the one-acre property situated where the tennis courts are now located.

With phase one set to begin after removal of the tennis courts, amenities will include park space, a tot lot and the pavilion. The new development will also include a septic system and, as money is available, an expanded playground and a gazebo.

The Coweta County Commission on June 16 unanimously agreed to help with some of the work needed to construct the park.

Commissioners on the recommendation of county staff agreed to assist by providing equipment, labor and supervision, demolition, erosion and sediment control, grading, storm drainage, temporary grassing, curb and gutter and asphalt paving.

Staley said the cost of installing features such as the gazebo, pavilion, playground equipment and landscaping is expected to be in the range of $100,000. The county’s contribution totals $48,709.

By agreement, Sharpsburg will be responsible for the cost of materials associated with the project.

Staley said the city has planned for several years to locate a park next to Town Hall and recently acquired property that will serve for vehicle parking.