From his photography studio on the Fayetteville courthouse square, René Bidez has seen lots of changes in 30 years, the latest being the refurbishing of his historic neighbor. “I’ve been watching the work from my studio across the street for weeks, some of the hottest weeks I can remember. Some days, they’re ripping off the old … some flashing the new copper edges. Now the new shingles are going on the curves of the clock tower. The two men in the picture are Joel Gonzalez (L) and Juan Francisco Martinez (R). They work for Skyline Construction Services, Inc. of Eatonton, Ga. These guys are just part of the team finishing the month-long project. Others did the tear-off and the prep work. Still others did the copper flashing. Joel and Juan Francisco are the craftsmen, trimming and placing every slate tile by hand,” Bidez said. Photo/Photography by René Victor Bidez, Inc.

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