Coweta adopts $69.2 million budget


The Coweta County Commission by a unanimous vote on Sept. 22 adopted a $69.2 million budget for the fiscal year that begins in October. The adoption came after county staff trimmed $3.3 million from the proposal.

The $72.56 million general fund budget was adjusted by staff and came in at $69.23 million.

Among the cuts made prior to the unanimous adoption on Sept.22 were $221,652 from general government, $983,504 from public works and $984,700 in salary adjustments.

The motion to adopt the budget came with one that would accept a number of program changes that totaled $287,000. A sampling of those included increasing the fees for solid waste bags and gate fees, reducing the hours of operation for the animal shelter, reducing library system hours and increasing facility rental fees.

The program change that would have increased the county employee contribution to the group pension plan from 2.75 percent to 5 percent at a cost of $310,000 will undergo additional study and could come back as a budget amendment at a later date.

Commissioners Al Smith and Tim Lassetter said staff did a good job of adjusting the budget numbers after the millage rollback.

On Aug. 25, the commission adopted the rollback millage rate that required county staff to trim $800,000 off the budget that was initially proposed.