German program cited for excellence


The only high school German language program in the state designated a “German Center of Excellence” by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) is at Whitewater High.

The AATG German Centers of Excellence program identifies and honors excellence at all levels of instruction, kindergarten to college/university. The designation is presented to a well-established and growing German program with strong support from the administration, colleagues, alumni, parents, and students.

There are currently just twenty-two K-12 Centers of Excellence, and six college and university Centers of Excellence (including Emory University), in the nation.

German teacher Patrick Wallace applied for the school to receive the designation, and learned Oct. 13 that the application had successfully passed a meticulous review by a jury panel, which cited Whitewater High’s German program as being excellent in every category.

In a letter to Wallace from Keith Cothrun, executive director of the AATG, it was noted that the jury was impressed with the growth of the school’s program, the support it receives from stakeholders, and its strong ties to the wider community. Also noted were the exemplary faculty, appropriate student-to-teacher ratio, and excellent curriculum.

“Most impressive is the program’s curriculum. There is a clear, articulated sequence of instructional programming that is standards-based and reflects current methodologies. Outcomes at each instructional level are clearly articulated and diverse learning styles are respected through varied instructional and assessment techniques. The materials used in the program are culturally authentic and interdisciplinary connections have been established,” Cothrun stated in the letter.

Whitewater High will be honored for earning the “German Center of Excellence” designation during the awards presentation at the American Association of Teachers of German Annual Meeting in November.