District voting drama continues


The parties in the Fayette County district voting lawsuit have been ordered back to remediation for the second time in just over a week.

Parties to the suit include the Fayette County Commission, Fayette County Board of Education and the national NAACP Legal Defense Fund and several local plaintiffs.

Though the trial before federal Judge Timothy Batten is set for Nov. 16, the parties were ordered to attempt, behind closed doors, to mediate the case and, if unsuccessful, to attend a settlement conference. That was on Oct. 21.

Judge Batten earlier this week ordered the parties to return to mediation on Oct. 30.

Judge Batten in the Oct. 14 order said, “The parties are hereby directed to mediate this case before Steven J. Kaminshine on Oct. 21. If the parties are unsuccessful in their efforts to mediate… the Court will immediately conduct and preside over a settlement conference in an attempt to resolve all issues in the case.”

Kaminshine is dean and professor of law at the Georgia State University College of Law, specializing in areas such as civil and trial procedure, employment discrimination, employment law, labor law and sexual harassment law. He joined the Ga. State faculty in 1985.

Prior to that time, Kaminshine was a partner in a labor and employment law practice in New York City and spent three years at the National Labor Relations Board in Washington, D.C. His undergraduate degree in history (summa cum laude) is from New York University at Albany, and he received his J.D. degree, with honors, from DePaul University School of Law where he served on the DePaul Law Review.