FES parent selected for state council


A Fayette County parent is among the 30 statewide selected to serve on State School Superintendent Richard Woods’ 2015-2016 Parent Advisory Council.

LaVesta Washington, a parent at Fayetteville Elementary, is one of eight new members chosen for a two-year term on the council. All of the parents serving on the council were nominated by their school districts. New members were selected by a committee of Georgia Department of Education representatives based on the applicants’ responses to questions on engaging parents and building parent capacity to ensure student success.

As members of the council, parents will meet three times during the school year with Superintendent Woods to discuss public education in the state. Their primary focus will be increasing parent and family engagement to foster academic success for students, particularly in Georgia’s Title I schools.

The Parent Advisory Council allows parents to gain information and provide feedback on new educational policies and projects that affect students and families. Members of the council will return to their districts to share the outcomes of the meetings, and serve as advisors and ambassadors in their respective communities and schools.