More than 100 people turned out for the annual Veterans Day Celebration held under clear skies Nov. 11 at Veterans Park in Tyrone. The keynote speaker at the ceremony was Brigadier General Rock Donahue, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Executive director of the Fayetteville campus of the Georgia Military College, Donahue at the outset of his remarks told those assembled, “Your presence here signifies the value you place on the men and women who serve.”
Donahue provided an overview of the history of Veterans Day, once called Armistice Day.
He spoke of his own history in the Army that spanned three decades and that of members of his family who also serve.
“We’ve always been and likely always will be a military family,” Donahue said.
Summing up an outlook on life, Donahue said, “The best use of a life is to invent it – something bigger than yourself – that’s what veterans do, that’s why we’re here today.”
Also making brief comments at the ceremony was state Sen. Marty Harbin who spoke is support of the U.S. military. Despite the threat posed by groups such as ISIS, Harbin maintained that America’s great threat was the apathy of its citizens.
Also during the ceremony, Commemorative Air Force Dixie Wing representative and veteran Willard Womack spoke, members of the Sandy Creek High School JROTC presented the colors, the Sandy Creek High School Choir sang the national anthem and Magnolia Brass Quintet played musical selections.
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