Fayetteville wants to know what you think about development here


Help craft Fayetteville’s vision by filling out a survey

When Fayetteville come to your mind, what is your impression?

That’s the questions city leaders want to know, and have created a survey to help the city with its economic development. The survey can be accessed at http://fayetteville.questionpro.com  and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

“We want as many residents to fill this out as possible, including local businesses. The city of Fayetteville has engaged Garner Economics LLC, an economic development strategy and location advisory firm based in Fayetteville, to help develop an economic development strategy to enhance our city’s global competitiveness. The goal of the effort is to provide Fayetteville an action plan that enhances the area’s quality of place and improves on its competitiveness to strengthen existing businesses and to identify new ones that the city should work to attract,” wrote City Manager Ray Gibson in an email.

The survey features questions about several key areas as: 

What are several words or phrases that describe Fayetteville?

What do you think are some of the biggest obstacles that inhibit Fayetteville in its ability to attract, expand or retain businesses and investment?

What do you see as the city’s strengths?

How do you see the current labor situation in the area (both quality and employee attraction and availability)?

What infrastructure is missing or unsatisfactory in the city?

The city plans to use the survey as a guide in attracting more businesses, as well as helping shape the city’s downtown master plan that was revealed two weeks ago.

Survey responses are due by Nov.25 at 5 p.m. and all responses are confidential.