Rorie promoted to PTC city manager


Interim City Manger Jon Rorie is interim no more. The Peachtree City Council by unanimous vote on Nov. 19 approved Rorie to the position permanently.

The approval came at the conclusion of the council meeting and came with a bit of unexpected fanfare by the council that included a number of humorous remarks by Mayor Vanessa Fleisch. Playing off of some of Rorie’s often-heard, homegrown statements, sometimes known as “Rorie-isms,” Fleisch reminded the audience Rorie is known for comments such as, “A slow yes versus a quick no,” “The second right answer” and, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”

The good-humored pokes were followed by a cake rolled out from the side room and adorned with a bottle of Rorie’s signature drink, Mountain Dew.

The vote to appoint Rorie to the permanent position was unanimous.

Describing Rorie as a hands-on manager, Fleisch after the meeting said the city has a small staff that benefits from Rorie’s type of leadership.

Fleisch said Rorie accomplished so many things while in the interim position that he earned the job.

“When (former City Manager Jim Pennington) delegated something it always went to Jon,” Fleisch said. “What he accomplished with our public works crews should be evident to the citizens.”

Fleisch said that work included things such as the revamping of subdivision signs along with the structural work on city bridges and other infrastructure projects.

“And once he became the interim manager he took an active role in the negotiations for Lake Peachtree and the hiring of (Police Chief) Janet Moon,” said Fleisch.

Noting another aspect of Rorie’s hire, Fleisch said that once he began the position on an interim basis, “Jon was doing such an exemplary job that we considered him to be the sole applicant.”

Rorie has worked with the city since December 2011, heading the Community Services Division and Public Services Division until he was appointed interim City Manager in May upon the retirement of City Manager Jim Pennington.

Rorie in supervising the Community Services Division was responsible for planning and zoning, the library, recreation and special events and the building department.

His supervision of the Public Services Division included responsibility for buildings and grounds, engineering, stormwater, streets and cart paths and the city’s vehicle fleet.

Prior to his time with the city, Rorie served as fire chief in Carolina Beach, N.C. and has a total of 21 years in fire services positions.

Below, Peachtree City Mayor Vanessa Fleisch, right, had a bit of fun at the end of the Nov. 19 council meeting about the appointment of interim City Manager Jon Rorie to the permanent position in city government. “Git-R-Done” is one of a number of humor-laden phrases often used by Rorie to drive home a point. Photo/Ben Nelms.