Coast Guardsman from PTC saves drowning woman in Baltimore


A Peachtree City man about to end his enlistment with the U.S. Coast Guard received the Coast Guard Commendation Medal and the Navy League Distinguished Service Award on Nov. 24 for his actions that saved the life of a woman in Baltimore Harbor.

Operations Specialist Third Class (OS3) Andrew Dunlap, received the awards on Nov. 24, just weeks before his 6-year enlistment ends.

It was on Aug. 24, 2012 and while on liberty that Dunlap noticed a large group of people laughing and taking pictures of a woman swimming in the murky waters of the Inner Harbor.

“The atmosphere of the situation soon changed with the announcement by one of the bystanders that the woman was highly intoxicated and having difficulty swimming,” the statement from the Coast Guard Baltimore office said. “(Dunlap) observed two of her friends jump into the harbor to assist her, as she sank below the surface of the water. Her friends, who were also intoxicated, had difficulty helping her and she continued to sink.”

The statement said Dunlap entered the water littered with debris and hazards, swimming to the location where he estimated the victim went down.

“He then dove under the water, located the victim’s body, brought her back to the surface and towed her to the pier’s ladder,” according to the Coast Guard. “As she was unconscious, he organized a few bystanders on the pier to help lift her up the ladder and start CPR. Dunlap remained in the water to ensure that her two friends safely made it to shore.”

Other bystanders called 911 and two nearby police officers responded. The ambulance arrived on scene and resuscitated the woman, according to the Coast Guard.

The Sector Baltimore Deputy Commander presented the Coast Guard Commendation Medal to OS3 Dunlap for meritorious service resulting in unusual and outstanding achievement. The Navy League also presented OS3 Dunlap the Navy League Distinguished Service Award.

The recognition was made by the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Baltimore and posted on its Facebook page.

Dunlap will return home to Peachtree City in December.