Piedmont exploring Athens Regional pact


This week the Athens Regional Health System’s Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of exploring a partnership with Piedmont Healthcare, according to Piedmont officials.
Earlier this year, officials with Athens Regional announced they would be seeking a strategic partner to best position the system for the future of healthcare and to create a stronger healthcare network in its region.
“Our organizations share a common vision and culture of high quality patient and family centered care,” Kevin Brown, president and CEO of Piedmont Healthcare, said. “Working together, there’s a clear opportunity for Athens Regional to be a larger, regional hub for healthcare, expanding our collective reach across the state.”
Athens Regional’s decision authorizes the finalization of a non-binding Letter of Intent with Piedmont and the commencement of an exclusive negotiation period between the two organizations.
“Piedmont demonstrated to us that they have a culture and history of putting people first,” Dr. Charles Peck, president and CEO of Athens Regional, said. “Just like at Athens Regional, Piedmont places the patient at the center of everything they do.”
For additional information about Athens Regional, visit www.athenshealth.org. For more information about Piedmont Healthcare and its six hospitals, visit www.piedmont.org.