F’ville Council eyes body cams for cops


A high profile crime incident this summer may have contributed to a discussion set for Fayetteville’s last official meeting of the year. 

Police Chief Scott Pitts will tell the City Council about his department’s recent purchase of body cams and also have a camera on display for the council to examine.

In August, General William Livsey was arrested for not paying for a delivery of Chinese food, and the arrest sent shockwaves through the city. At the time, Mayor Greg Clifton said there was a possible solution.

“It looks like we may be budgeting for body cameras. That would clear everything up,” he said.

In other business,  the City Council will:

• Hear the second read and potentially adopt a social hosting ordinance. The ordinance is virtually a mirror image of Peachtree City’s and puts an onus on parents or adults who allow parties or other events at their homes with minors and alcohol present.

The ordinance would make it unlawful for any person(s) to host or allow an event or gathering at any residence, premises, or on any other private or public property where alcohol or alcoholic beverages are present when the person knows or reasonably should know that an underage person will or does consume any alcohol or alcoholic beverage or possesses any alcohol or alcoholic beverage with the intent to consume it.

• Conduct the second readings for two rezonings. The first request is for a nearly 34-acre tract located on Ga. Highway 54, near Yorktown Medical Center. The property would be rezoned from C-3 (Highway Commercial) to MO (Medical Office). The change would allow an assisted living facility to be constructed.

The second rezoning involves a 19-acre site at Promenade Parkway, across from the Fayette Pavilion. The applicant wants the property rezoned from C-3 (Highway Commercial) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing) to develop an industrial park.

•Consider adopting the extension of the city’s Tax Allocation District. The city wants to add more property to aid in the city’s master plan for downtown Fayetteville.

The City Council meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall.