Get ready for higher PTC golf cart fees; Tyrone, county carts to see increases also


A decision on golf cart fees for residents and non-residents of Peachtree City might be up for a City Council vote on Jan. 7. The recommendation has fees for residents set at $15 per year and those for non-residents, including Tyrone, at a total of $115 per year.

The topic on fees has been discussed previously and a fee of $15 per year, or $45 based on a three-year registration, was included in the FY 2016 budget adoption.

If approved, the fee for city residents will increase from the current $12 for up to five years to $45 for a three-year registration.

The fee for non-residents, including those from Tyrone with which Peachtree City has a reciprocal agreement, would increase to $100 per year from the current $60. An annual registration and non-resident fee of $15 would be in addition to the non-resident fee.

The council when adopting the FY 2016 budget last summer noted that the budget would provide for an additional $225,000 for cart path work bringing that total to $665,000, some of which could be offset by the increase in cart registration fees which would be raised to an annualized figure of $15.