Fayette Commission set to choose chairman Thursday


The first five minutes of Thursday night’s Fayette County Board of Commissioners meeting could have a large impact on the county’s business for the entire year.

The first meeting of 2016 will begin with the annual organization session, and the first item of business is the election of the board’s chairman for the year.

In 2015 that position was held by Charles Oddo after Steve Brown wielded the gavel the two previous years. The two men’s operating styles could scarcely have been more different, as evidenced by the frequent public clashes between them during the past 12 months.

Whether either of these two move to the center chair or one of the other three commissioners – David Barlow, Randy Ognio or Charles Rousseau – assumes the duties for the first time will be determined by a vote of the five. The vice chairman is set to be named immediately after that.

Once the 2016 board is seated, the inaugural meeting of the year includes a lengthy agenda that includes the following new business:

• The proposed appointment of Becky Smith and Theodore Toles to the Board of Health, as well as the reappointment of Therese Ocheltree to the Board of Tax Assessors, all for terms to expire at the end of 2021.

• Reappointment of William Beckwith to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term ending Dec. 31, 2018.

• A resolution containing the board’s “Pledge to Citizens and County Staff on Core Values and Beliefs.”

• An ordinance amendment pertaining to stormwater services and to amend the amount charged by Fayette County as a late fee for delinquency in payment of the stormwater fee.

• A resolution establishing a stormwater utility late fee for delinquent payments of the stormwater fee.

• Establishment of qualifying fees for the 2016 elections in Fayette County.

• Consideration of staff’s request to accept a GEFA grant/rebate to install an electric vehicle charging station at the Stonewall Complex or another designated Fayette County location as necessary and to fund a match of $6,827.50 from project contingency for this purpose.

• Update on damages and repairs to Fayette County’s roads from the Dec. 2015 floods and requested approval of staff’s recommendation to reallocate/loan $997,529 to the Stormwater Utility in FY 2016.

• Ratification of County Agreements with Brent Scarbrough & Company, Inc. for emergency road repairs made on Canterbury Lane and Westbridge Circle.

• Approval of a change order reduction of $49,000 in which Peachtree City would receive $25,000 toward its Drake Field enhancement project.

There is no old business on the agenda.

The consent agenda includes:

• Approval of authorization to sign checks combining any of the following two signatures for transactions at or above $5,000: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, County Administrator.

• Approval of authorization to sign checks for transactions in the amount of $4,999.99 or less: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, County Administrator.

• Approval of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and the County Administrator to execute contracts, resolutions, agreements, or other documents approved by and on behalf of the Board of Commissioners.

• Approval of the County Clerk’s recommendation to adopt the revised 2016 County Commissioner Meeting Schedule.

• Approval of staff’s recommendation to declare the property (Fire Station No. 3) located at 935 Senoia Road in Tyrone as no longer needed and will no longer be used by Fayette County, and authorization to lease the property to a private individual through a bid process.

• Approval of the proposed 2016 Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant (LMIG) project list for unincorporated Fayette County and authorization for the Chairman to sign the LMIG Application and related documents.

• Approval of a request from the State Court Judge to accept a supplemental grant award from the Funding Committee of the Council of Accountability Court Judges in the amount of $1,680, to authorize the expenditure of 10% local matching funds in the amount of $187, and to authorize the Chairman to sign any grant-related documentation.

• Approval of the disposition of tax refunds, in the amount of $735.01, as recommended by the Tax Assessor’s Office.

Proclamations include a ceremonial dedication of the 2015 Board of Commissioners’ official photograph in honor of the late Commissioner Pota Coston, as well as recognition of Rusty and Carol Brown and Kevin and Terri Arnold for their selfless actions during the flooding crisis last month.