Backyard Assn. meets Feb. 9


“Heirloom Plants for Garden Fragrance” is the theme for the next meeting of the Coweta County Master Gardener Extension Volunteers (MGEVs) Backyard Association. It is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 7 p.m. at the UGA Extension office at 255 Pine Road in Newnan.

The guest speaker is Jo Phillips, the horticulture manager at Hills & Dales Estate, the historic home of the Fuller E. Callaway Family in LaGrange

Learn about tried and true fragrance plants that have graced generations of Southern gardens.  The presentation goes through each of the four seasons with photos, cultural information and personal stories of the featured plants.

Admission is free. You need not register in advance to attend.

Call 770-254-2620 or email [email protected] to register for door prizes. Registration is not required but is preferred.