Christ Our Shepherd plans Service of Hope next Monday


Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City invites everyone to a Service of Hope on Monday, Feb. 1, at 7 p.m.

Hope Services occur bi-monthly, and each has a unique emphasis.

At the Feb. 1 service Karl Dietmeyer will offer a meditation on “The Thought of Love.” A pilot by profession, Dietmeyer  has studied love relationships over several years, and has shared his well-received insights in the past.

He will also conduct the Flute Choir as they provide special music for the service.

Pastor Miriam Beecher, who will celebrate Holy Communion, says, “These services are uplifting, full of prayer and encouragement.”

The church is on the corner of Ga. Highway 54 and Peachtree Parkway in Peachtree City.