Citizen Academy coming soon


The Fayette County Sheriff’s Office is announcing its Sheriff’s Citizen Academy Spring session starting March 1. This 12-week program is designed to provide citizens with basic information about the law enforcement profession and the daily operations of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office.

The ultimate objective is to establish and maintain positive communications and develop partnerships between the community and the Sheriff’s Office through training and education. The classes will be held every Tuesday evening for 12 weeks beginning March 1, 6-8 p.m. at the Sheriff’s office, 155 Johnson Avenue in Fayetteville.

Topics covered will include:

Field Operations/Officer Survival/Mechanics of Arrest Criminal investigations/Crime Scene Processing

Drug Identification/Awareness

Traffic laws/Traffic Investigation/DUI Investigations Juvenile operations

Internet Crime/Identify Theft

SWAT Team Operations

Jail Operations

Court Operations

Laser Shot Video Simulation

Firearms Familiarization

Go to to download the application and information packet. Deadline to return an application is Feb. 15. Class size is limited.

Applications must be delivered in person to Lt. Terry Black. If you have any questions concerning the application, please contact Lt. Black at 770)-716-4802.

If you have any questions concerning the Sheriff’s Citizen Academy, contact Class Coordinator Sgt. Ryan Phillips at 770-716-4894.