Learn about working out


“Made to Scale” is the theme of Fayette Senior Services’ meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 1, 1-2 p.m. at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive in Fayetteville.

Aaron Anthonsen, personal trainer with Gym Guyz, will talk about how to make your workouts work for you. Learn how to adapt and scale exercises for your individual abilities and goals.

We have all seen the basic exercises that show up in workouts all the time and that is because the are functional, understandable, and accessible, but the basic forms of these exercises aren’t always for everyone. Aaron will cover a few variables that can be used to adapt any exercise to meet your needs.

This program is free but pre-registration is required at 770-461-0813 or [email protected] (include name, phone number and event title). FSS members and non-members welcome. For more information visit www.Fayss.org.